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=ANO= are recruiting


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=ANO= are looking for european JK2 players to join our JK2 division.


Our main concern at the moment is the Barrysworld TFFA league which starts next week, any players willing to play in regularly would be welcome, for your information the league is every Tueday night.


For more information you can visit our website and forums at http://www.aneworder.com


At the moment we have just moved our web server and some of the pages including the recruitment form still need to be added, so if you wish to join or need more information you can contact our JK2 division leader at matrix@aneworder.com (other contact info is also on the site)


You can also join our IRC channel for more information but due to the nature of IRC its best to make a forum post/email (something permanant) incase noone is around. The channel is #aneworder on the Quakenet IRC network.

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I like my solution better :D, we know what we're in for merging with my old JK2 m8 at [sITH] :D (not the horrible US [sITH] I've heard about, the older (been in jk2 since the game came out, kinda before then actually) nicer [sITH] from Europe)

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