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i have a weird problem - i can no longer get virtually any of the blade mods to work except one or two - for instance - the the thicksabers mod works but the ep2blades doesn't , along with just about every other blade mod..i dont think there are any conflicts stopping them - so im curious as to why one works but not another..

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Sorry, wrong Thread.


As for your question, there would HAVE to be some other saber mod messing with what you want to put in. Are you talking about just SP or is it MP as well?


I know JediMOD has some 'Shadow Saber' that may mess with other blades, as well as the RGB thing. I had to rip those out to get my Remix Blades in.

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:cool: Well.. ya see the trick with JKII Mods is that when there's a bunch of the same.. thing.. (in this case sabers) the game chooses the one with the newer date by default.


There are a few mods that chage sabers (like mine into swords), but they would tell you in the Readme. What you've got to be careful of is that some SP skins come with 'personal' lightsaber colors (Ex Sith Rakin for example). That could be your problem.

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