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Saber instagib


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Hey i had a question, i Wanted to know where i can make it so that any type of saber attack does either full damage(kills you right away) or like almost kills you if it hits you arm or something,i tried looking for the wp_saber damage but i couldnt find it. can someone help.


i think it would be MUCH more realistic like that,i mean for gods sake i hit someone like 10 times and they live,with the real sabers (or should i say movie sabers) if you get hit once then you die or if you get hit in the arm or somrethging like a body part you almost die at that moment.

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:cool: Well... not the answer you're looking for.. but if you mess with the dismamberment levels the saber's actucal power ranges are altered. I forget what the formula was... set it to 300 in SP and just bumping into Dessan will kill him for example.
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hey covax what do u mean by saber power range.and in at least what file(*.c)is this in?

for example where is the locational damge stuff that jedimod put in?


also to the saber throw,actually i wanted saber throw to be either the throw like takes 99% of the persons hp off or the throw is blocked and no damage is done,but maybe i will change.

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:cool: No.. I mean the 'cheat codes'. (I've got to remeber to stop posing in the coding forum.)


From: http://vgstrategies.miningco.com/library/doswin/blstarwarsjedioutcast.htm


"The higher the number after the code, the more damage it does on opponents. For example, g_saberRealisticCombat 9 will kill Desann with one swing. Things like the locks that must be destroyed on doors that normally just spark when touched with our lightsaber will be destroyed. g_saberRealisticCombat 20 will cut off limbs with a single touch."

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oh i see,so i just have to just make a cvar and set an if then statement,like if rage_something.integer==1 then






so something like that,like i didnt put any formating or anything in.

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:cool: Yea, I think it's only for SP. I know there was an 'Instagib Mod' for both SP/MP but I think that was only for the Disruptor.


I KNOW there is a way to modify saber damage in MP... JediMOD had different settings for a Double-Bladed sabers compared to the regular which you can modify, for example. Don't ask me where or how though.

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