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Unexplained Lag with my server...


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For some reason whenever i run my server now (there was no lag when i ran it thru jedi runner)...it laggs.


I used to (i know it sux...i dont want to run it that way anymore!) run the server with jedi runner, and even when I played on the server, the server would never lag. I now run it with a bat file, using the ded server program i got from the jediknightii.net site.


The comp and the connection are more than adequate for these tasks. However, i only do have one comp, and play and run from the same comp.


I have 2 separate directories for the game..one for running the server, and one for a client


Ive even compared cfg files, the one that jedirunner generates, and the one i WANT to use with my server. Ive even had the bat run the jedirunner config file. But to no avail...everyone laggs when they connect to my server...BAD...even I lag...and thats ridiculous.


SO this is quite perplexing to me, as to why jedirunner can run my server without lag, and the bat cant...and i CANT run VULANUS without the BAT!!!




~the SaRG

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