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World War 3

Guest crazy_dog

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Guest crazy_dog

I 've read over the net that: in Afganistan all men aged 18-50 are bieng recruited into the armed forces. British and American troops are bieng garrisoned at Pakistan and moved towards Afganistan.


World War 3 is brewing up:



Afganistan rebels







My advice is to get into a deep underground bunker. Don't forget your PC :D .

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Guest Gamma732

Its not going to be WW3. Iraq had a slightly better army then Afghanistan and we demolished them. We didn't even declare war then. And for it to be a World War, it needs to be just that: The world at war, not just 3 countries. If anything, its going to be USA, and allies vs Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, and any other country promoting terrorism. The thing is all those countries have very little in the way of an army, cept for maybe Iraq.

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Yeah, i think that Calafornia could beat the Talaban and the terrorists. This will be a war, and people will most certainly die, but it won't be a world war like the ones experienced in the past.

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Guest Generalchang

No, it won't be WW3 but the US will strole in like it owns the world again and kill anyone who is even remotely supected of being a terroist. This is not right, for heaven sakes, it's only 5 days after the attacks! We shouldn't be so quick to jump to our guns, we might kill the wrong person with them.

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Guest Gamma732

We're not just killing anyone we think is a terrorist. We're going after Osama bin Laden. We know he's a terrorist. We may not know if he was behind the WTC disaster, but he's even admited being behind the US Embassy bombings and I think the WTC bombing in '93. Even if he's not behind Tuesday's events, if we find him, we all will be much safer overall. And he's a huge name when it comes to terrorism. If we were to interrogate him and/or his followers, theres a good chance they know something .

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