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The Low Landing Building I in JPB

Guest Darth Vega

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Guest Darth Vega

Just the previous night, I found quite POSSIBLY the LOWEST building accessible by the Jedi...







Earlier this month, I noticed that each Jedi (Sith, Queen, or Captain as well) could fall to the extremely low buildings and die on them. Unfortunately, I couldn't see the buildings close up that I fell on to. Yet, I soon found a building that could be landed on that I could see close up! For a half hour I tried to land on this building and survive, but with no luck. I then returned to getting my Jedi all up to 10/100 for the next few weeks, forgetting about the building...







I just recently finished the game completely and decided to explore Coruscant. I found 2 buildings that could be accessed in abnormal ways. These buildings are known as BG-I (Background Building I) and LL-II (Low Landing Building II). Then I remembered the extremely low building I found earlier this month. I then attempted to try to fall to it. After awhile, I learned how to survive the fall with the Jedi double jump! Let me tell you how to do it:







Note: Use Obi-Wan Kenobi, I find he's the easiest to use...

First of all, the building is located right under your taxi during the first WHITE MERCENARY MUSIC SEQUENCE. After you jump on the taxi, you will start to move toward the screen. While the bus bomes by in the background of the screen (with the wolf-man mercenary on it), your taxi will stop. Right before your taxi stops, though, you must fall off the back. In mid air (with precise timing that is learned with practice), press the Circle button quickly. If your timing was correct, you will hear nothing from your character as the White Mercenary begins talking. If your timing was incorrect, you will hear an oomph. Getting back to what happens if you don't hear anything, just wait with patience while the mercenary evacuates his craft and sends it toward yours. The screen will then drop down to you on a building shaped like the Washington Monument. You are so far down, that if you fall off one side for about 3 meters (or about 2 inches on the TV screen), you'll fall through the strangly shaped traffic. There is no way to get back up if you're on the building. Just fall off and end up at the last milemarker!







I hope I've helped you make it down to LL-I (Low Landing Building I). Since I'm new on this site, I decided my first message would be helpful. Thank you all for your time, and enjoy this hint!





Apprentice to Bane --

Master to Iniquitai, Veli, Adeth,

and Sidious I --

Darth Vega

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