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Guest Solrya

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Guest Solrya

Maybe we could start a petition saying that the people that has bought the Jedi Power Battle Game for PSX should get the better version of it too. Because it really isn't fair that only the people with Dreamcast gets to have a better one! mad.gif


If you guys agree then let me know.



"Just because I'm a 15 year-old doesn't mean I can't be a Jedi Knight"



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 (o o) _/

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Guest Dave Maul

You have to remember that LucasArts are doing a lot of work on graphics for the DC version, and they wouldn't be as good on the PSX (PS2, mabye...). However, a finished version of the game with the secret characters would be welcome. I don't think LucasArts would give away copies for free; they may charge a small fee ($10 sound reasonable?).




Dave Maul

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Guest Solrya

Yeah, I suppose that sounds reasonable. I'm gonna try e-mailing them to see if they could. I'd give them a month or two to get it done...



"Just because I'm a 15 year-old doesn't mean I can't be a Jedi Knight"



The Force is with you...always.



 (o o) _/

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Guest the13thJedi

It won't work... you need MAJOR support for something like that. 3 or 4 kids isn't gonna do it. And, to be honest, it isn't worth it to most people.




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