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Taking CTF requests


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Essential Neutral Powers --


  • Jump
  • Speed
  • Pull
  • Push
  • Seeing


Essential Powers for Lightie --


  • Absorb
  • Team Heal


Essential Powers for Darkie --


  • Dark Rage
  • Team Energize


Essential Weapons Mastery --


  • Rocket Launcher: Aiming ahead is essential due to the slow speed of the projectile. Also try jumping over enemies and shooting down
  • Flechette: Combined with Dark Rage this is lethal for defense and very useful even without rage
  • Repeater: Essential on maps without Flechette as a backup to the rocket launcher, good for long rage attacks once you master the projectile arc
  • Disrupter: Only a select few can use this to its full potential, the trick is in continuing to move whilst shooting
  • Bryar: A lethal weapon in the hands of an expert, never underestimate its ability to get a kill, it is after the MOST accurate weapon
  • Bowcaster: Essentially the same as the bryar except lower powered shots but more firing options
  • Stormtrooper Rifle: A good backup weapon when all else fails
  • Lightsaber: Use for extra agility and minor defense, don't try attacking unless you are good at getting lucky

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Yeah It should include how to use each weapon effectively on each map, best defensive and offensive strategies for each map.


Include Popular custom maps maybe?


Include user submitted tactics.


Screenshots/diagrams for reference.


locations of all weapons / items etc.


Include binded message recommendations eg; team instruction messages.


Which forces are best suited to each map.


comment on available mods and there advantages and disadvantages.


comment on admin functions : force regen time etc...


Recommend best team set up eg; for each map have x players defend and x players attack.


Comment on good etiquette : even teams (abilty and number-wise), no flaming/spamming etc.



Hope thats helpfull, maybe if everyone understands these things itll make for better more even games, as alot of the time it seems to me that the team with the 1 best player wins,







Bilbo. :wavey:

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