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galaxy far far away . . .


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when loading single player as new game and the kejim level loads there is the blue type on the screen that says "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away . . ."

anyone know how to put this in a level? please don't keep it a secret:p


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sorry my mistake I thought for sure it was done with a level shot because that's what I used for my scrolling text and all. Anyways, all you have to do is make a "text jpg" and make it your level shot for your map. I can send you mine if you want. I made it with the correct star wars font and it looks better than Raven's.

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I'm redoing the jpg. I was copying the idea from Raven's example and they got 2 things wrong. #1 Wrong Font #2 A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... is supposed to cover more of the screen than it does. I'm going to review the beginning of Episode 1 and adjust the text at the right scale.

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