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Episode II trailer released...

Guest Jedi Kanigget

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

...sort of. Actually, it's only a fan trailer, and a smegging good one at that. If you want to take a look, click <A HREF="http://download.theforce.net/theater/episode2/ep2_small.mov">here</A>.




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[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited July 21, 2000).]

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Ok, I'm convinced.

I'd thought it'd fit before, but now I know that if you put Jimmy Smitts in Star Wars garb and surroundings, he'd fit.

Very decent combination of different pieces of different films.




[This message has been edited by Acid_Rain327 (edited July 21, 2000).]

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Guest Darth Wart

1. I'm not getting sound. Anybody?

2. The "Queen" sure looks like a chola punk in that first shot.

3. What's with the crowd of Boba Fetts?

4. Apparently we will not be spared the antics of Jar-Jar again.

5. That shot with the army of Jedi's running forward -- KEWL!






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Guest Jedi Kanigget

1. Yup, there's sound.

2. Right, then.

3. They're Mandalorians, "a group of evil warriors defeated by the Jedi Knights in the clone wars." Incidentally, the word "Mandalorian" isn't supposed to be in Episode II.

4. Jar-Jar will apparently not be a comedic relief this time around. His accent and what some people call "annoying mannerisms" will be toned down.

5. Jedi in Kilts.





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[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited July 21, 2000).]

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Guest RogueOne

*Sitting at his computer drueling. drip, drip, drip...............................*





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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Right. I assume that you've turned the volume all the way up, so I'll skip to ny next idea. You may have an obsolete version of Quicktime. I think that the trailer is Quicktime 4, so if you have 3 or below, the sound probably won't work. You'll have to download QT4 <A HREF="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/">here</A>.




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[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited July 22, 2000).]

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Guest Darth Wart

Thanks, Kaniggie, that did the trick. It took a while to download, though. But I DID have an ancient version of QuickTime, as it turned out.


1. I want to mail this to a friend. What's the maximum size of email, or does that vary from ISP to ISP? (I believe the trailer's almost 5 megs)


2. I believe that's Natalie Portman with the blond hair, in that CU where the red lightsaber is turned off. If so, she's a hottie in the picture! Va-va-voom! She looks ugly, though, in the shot right after it says "every queen discovers her destiny."


3. What do you mean a "fan trailer"? My friends and I are puzzling over that. Made by fans, or made FOR fans?


4. Pardon my asking, but who is Jimmy Smits, what has he done, and why does everybody seem to hate him?


5. If I had known the "sound" was just music, I might not have bothered...


6. Apparently Lucas is gonna treat us to some humping scenes...


7. I happen to know from having read a book about the making of the original Star Wars movie that Lucas refused to use any well-known actors in his movie, so people wouldn't recognize the faces and thereby the illusion of a totally different galaxy wouldn't be broken. (Harrison Ford bumptioused his way in, and the most famous person on the set, besides Guiness, was Fisher, who had only done a seduction scene on Warren Beatty in "Shampoo.") I thought this was an interesting philosophy, but apparently Lucas has changed his thinking in recent years...


8. I'm supposing that's Darth Rage with the red saber who darts off to the right--what do you think?


Thanks again bro






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Guest Jedi Kanigget

1. Depends, some e-mail providers give more space. Just be kind and send him/her the URL.


2. The blonde girl who switches off the purple (it is purple, not red) saber isn't Portman. Her face is too long.


3. This trailer was made by one or more fans. It's by no means official.


4. Jimmy Smits has been in movies and on tv, probably best known for NYPD Blue. He has been nominated and has won several awards for his acting ability, and as far as I know, not many have a problem with him. Who "seems to hate him"?


5. What's wrong with the music?


6. Uhm...no. There won't be any "humping scenes" just like there wasn't a nude Portman scene in Episode II.


7. Not really. The majority of the cast is pretty much "unknowns" and none of them are extremely famous. Sam Jackson and Neeson are probably the most famous from Episode I.


8. I seriously hope "Darth Rage" isn't the name of next Sith Lord. It's just too corny.




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Guest Kurgan

Lucas's strategy was actually to use well known SUPPORTING actors, but virtually unknown LEADING actors.


Note mega stars Peter Cushing and Alec Guiness supporting the lesser known Hamill, Fisher, and Ford.


The same goes for TPM and the other two upcoming films.



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