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I have been trying to do this to. I have a map already but i wan tto change music without having to change entities or whatever. Its also sp. I cant find the music folder cause thats where i would put my mp3 and then type in /music musicfilename.mp3


Can anyone help me so i can play any music on any SP level?

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k first identify the music thats playing by going through your assets files in the base folder;

once you find the name; just rename the music file you made to the originals name.

then put it in a folder with the same directory structure as the one in the asset file. I'm in the middle of a reinstall so i can't look to see what it is for example

music/whatever . . .


now pak it and call it mymusic.pk3 or what ever and throw it in your base folder and it will override the default in the game

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well it is nicely balanced for a multi player map and judging from the style (don't want to give anything away) your challenge will be in the textures and detail. In fact if i were you i'd learn how to make custom textures or find them on game texture sites. I don't think using all stock textures on it will where i think you are going with it. Its a great idea and you are on the rite track; it will be nice if you compliment that with some original textures; at which point the theme of your map will be more appearant and unique. keep up the good work and keep me posted.

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I know I'm gonna get slammed for being a total mapper noob here, butI STILL can't get music to run on my map. I have tried everthing i can find in the threads and nothing seems to work. Prob is everyone seems to say we should do something different - can someone please take pity on me and give me a definitive, even George Dubbya could do this, guide to getting music running please. Sorry again for my pathetic incompetance!! :confused:

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