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Threads with New Messages and Threads with no new messages...

Guest Pure Guiness

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Guest Pure Guiness


I can't tell when theres a new post in a Thread, all I can do is remember how many replies there were last time...


I think a Thread should become highlighted when there are new replies...


please could the admin fix this ?



Watchin the game, having a bud


All good things come to those who..............

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Guest Ikhnaton

go to preferences and say yes to store your username and password. then, the next time you come back here, all the threads that have new replies will have a silver folder, instead of a dull grey one.

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Guest Pure Guiness


Thnx for telling me, but Grey and Silver ?


isn't that just a little bit confusing, especially if you're colour blind ?



Watchin the game, having a bud


All good things come to those who..............

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