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Maxing out Levels

Guest Nafein

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Guest Nafein

Ok I've read two differnt strategies on the net for going through the levels and maxing them out. However, my only beef about them is that they say grab a checkpoint and kill yourself. Is it possible to go through each level and maxing out, without killing yourself (besides level 8 and 9) since if you die you start over any ways.


The ever curious,



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Guest Dave Maul

You need to kill yourself on Level 1 to max out. I don't need to die on levels 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, or 10. Tatooine and Coruscant are the major ones, but you only need to die once or twice.




Dave Maul

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Guest Darth Wart

You know, that's an interesting question. I don't believe I can max out any of the levels (save the two you mentioned) without doing the dying thing.


I've always thought that the way you were SUPPOSED to do it is hit all the enemies with a force move or a combo; theoretically, that way, your points would be maximous when you get to the end.


But it's nearly impossible to put a combo on every single enemy; hence I've never been able to do it.


But I would imagine that's what the programmers were thinking -- I find it difficult to believe they meant us to purposely kill ourselves.






Currently the revised strategy guide is being housed (ON ONE PAGE!) at

http://darthwart.tripod.com/page1.html, which will be the address until Kanigget gets back at the end of June.

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Guest Qui-Gon Jeff

I have actually beaten level 1 and maxed out. It's all a simple trick. One day I said no I don't want to die then I remembered the droids at the boss. If you feel like it you can sit there a while and dodge the laser blasts and kill the droids that come at you. But that could be the quick and easy path.



"Be warey I sense a disturbance in the Force" quigon2_sm.jpg

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