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custom music


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Can someone tell me how to put custom music into a single player level. I mean does the music file need to be put in the assets0.pk3? Where would it need to be included in order to make the music play whenever you are getting ready to make the final .pk3 for a map?

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well there are a few ways;


ambiance; which is kind of the backround noise (sound of ship, or wind blowing outside etc.)


target speakers; to trigger noises and varios sounds/music that play in specific areas or globally


music: this plays full volume throughout the map and loops.


which one ya want?

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I'll continue this since he hasen't returned. Anyways what I'd like to know if it's possible to replace some music files with other ones. For instance I'd like to change the Duel/Starting music. Is it possible and would you know of any place which could explain how this can be done if it can be done.



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k sounds like you are talking about the mp music, if not it will server as a good example

you'll notice in the assets0.pk3 there is a file called "duel.mp3"

you will also notice that the directory path it is stored in within the pk3 is


all you need to do is create folders to resemble this path.

also create your own music and name it duel.mp3 and put it in the folder directory you just created.

now pack your version of this directory with the file in it into a pk3 and name it anything you want as in mymusic.pk3.

throw it in your base folder and it will over-ride the default music and you will here yours play.

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I was trying to add some music pieces from the star wars soundtracks for background music. I have added some of the music from the game but I was unsure how to add custom songs. I was unsure how to do it -the song I picked from the game I just took out of the assets0.pk3. When you put your bsp file into the pk3 u create a folder called maps. and there a scripts folder and so forth. I was wondering where the music file needed to be. Do I just create a folder and give the worldspawn that path name as with a original song from the game, or does it 's folder need to be named something in particular. I have put music into an sp level but no custom songs -just songs pulled from assets0.pk3

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Ok, here how to add custom songs really easily.

First, get the song that you want, the go to your base directory, and add a folder called music(if you don't already) then, in that folder, place the music in another folder called custom(or something like that).

Then in, Radiant, go to worldspawn, add music and then type in the directory of the song.





then just put it all into a .pk3 using PakScape(easiest I reckon) then start the game and play your level and you should have custom music.

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Hey thanks alot for your help-much appreciated can I ask you one more thing, how would I change background songs in the middle of a level? Suppose your player entered a different location, like a different room or whatever and you wanted the back ground music to change whenever he entered that room is there a way to more than one track into the level? Would u create a new worldspawn? Can this be done several times within the same map? If so, how?

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I'm not 100% sure on this one, but I think that somewhere there is a music trigger that allows you to change the music, and you just enter the directory name like above in the changer and it will change it for you.

I would try this but I got problems compiling(as u can see in my Sky.tga error).

Hope that works for ya.

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