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Man i am so depressed.

Guest Darth skywalker

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Guest Darth skywalker

Im remembering the day i bought the game and that i was happy that i got it.Then i look now and im like why did i buy this piece of s**t.What can i do with this game?



*Darth skywalker*

Dark sith lord of humor*


Member of the Un-council.




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Guest jedihorn1

I'm starting to get tired of reading this stuff. Everyone is bashing JPB now, but when we all fist got it it was the best game ever. Yes it has bugs, but it is a fun game. Everyone is just ticked cuz a better version is coming out on dreamcast. So what? JPB is still a fun game, even though it does have bugs. If JPB was such a crappy game:

Why did most of us here beat it 7 times?

Why the heck did Wart waste his time on 6 revisions of a strategy guide?

Why the heck are you still posting on a JPB forum?

I wish we had gotten a better version too, but that doesnt take away from the fact that I still had fun playing it, as I remember most of you here saying the same. Sorry about the rant. Just felt like getting that all out. Better now. smile.gif





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Guest Maul Clone

Do what I did. I traded in towards a new game at EBWorld. Got $20 for it too. smile.gif


I played it 8 times though. It was a great game. Boy am I burnt on it though.





[This message has been edited by Maul Clone (edited July 23, 2000).]

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Guest the13thJedi

smile.gif Trade it in for a copy of Final Fantasy Tactics like I did, Then we can start a club tongue.gif


And BTW JediHorn, JPB was fun... to an extent.


I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it while it was fresh and new. What I am saying is that there are games out there that are much better that we could be playing in place of JPB.


And, most of us now have a resentment towards LucasArts for giving us a "unfinished" version, watching our feedback, then adding and fixing the things that should have already been included and fixed in the PSX version.


I did enjoy JPB, but when I was done with everything, it lost playability.


Now, not only will I not buy the DC version, But I'm altogether very uneasy about trusting LucasArts enough to buy any more games that they release.


I will get Starfighter because I already paid the full price for a reserve (before JPB was released), And I seriously hope it is as amazing as they say it is. Maybe if it is, I'll put my money where my mouth is. Until then, no more LucasArts games.





[This message has been edited by the13thJedi (edited July 23, 2000).]

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Guest the13thJedi

Hmmm, Good question... Both are Fantastic games, But I would have to go with FFT. Anthology was great, but that was only because of FF6. FF5 was mediocre, Not one of Square's best works.


Now if you want my full opinion, I'll give it. Just ask first 'cause I don't feel like typing that much right now tongue.gif





[This message has been edited by the13thJedi (edited July 24, 2000).]

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I agree with Jedihorn1. JPB is a fun game (the tank sequence in "Streets of Theed" absolutely rocked, and the STAP sequence looks fun too!) and so far I haven't noticed any obvious bugs. Then again, about the bugs, I've had some help in avoiding them. The next Lucasarts game I plan on buying is Demolition. BTW, that forum seems to have gone dead again.



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Guest the13thJedi

Originally posted by Markenobi:

so far I haven't noticed any obvious bugs........ The next Lucasarts game I plan on buying is Demolition.



The game is an unfinished, boring, miserable excuse to make money. And Demolition doesn't look very promising either.






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Guest Acid_Rain327

No, Demolition looks like crap. Starfighter I won't buy, mainly because I'm blowing off the PS2 in favor of the Dolphin. So, the only Lucas Arts game I have any interest in what-so-ever would be Obi-Wan, despite my unyielding doubts.


So, I'll probably play the demo, and if I like it, burn a copy of the complete (that is, IF Lucas Arts actually finishes this one)from a friend. biggrin.gif


[This message has been edited by Acid_Rain327 (edited July 24, 2000).]

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Guest The Insider

It is highly illegal, and I am liable to prosecute you if I find that you have done so.


We rely on honest people to buy our games, and not to settle for simply copying them. For this reason, the company has added anti-copying programs to a couple of the games. After a certain amount of time has elapsed from the disc being copied, the data is wiped.


In response to your comment, I have suggested to our team's leader that Obi-Wan should have the said program encoded on it.

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Guest the13thJedi

Man, your full of Sh*t! GO AWAY! It is illegal yes, but you Do Not work for LucasArts and your threats are as empty as your claim to work for them.


Ban him Kurgan!





[This message has been edited by the13thJedi (edited July 25, 2000).]

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Guest jedihorn1

actually, I think JPB does have replayability. Yes, i got tired of it, which is why I stopped playing it for a while. But every so often I go back and play for a while. You may not see it that way, that's cool. We all have our opinions, just like I don't like the FF games (except tactics). However, calling JPB unfinished is a bit harsh. The game was finished, they just released a better version for a more upgraded system (even though PS2 with MGS2(Metal Gear Solid 2) is gonna kick butt.)The problems we had with JPB you will find with lots of games. We are just being harsh with JPB because it is a Star Wars game.



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[This message has been edited by jedihorn1 (edited July 25, 2000).]

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Guest ihatecrosswinds

Acid_Rain, you ruined it for us all! No copying Obi-Wan! Way to go, man.


P.S. How much longer until The Insider gets banned?




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Guest Kurgan

I can't stop anybody from pirating anything, and I can't say I've never ever copied a game in my day either..


The policy of this site is not to condone software piracy, so I'm not doing that.


As a "rule" I will often try out games before I buy them (unless the game is so dirt cheap I can afford to waste my money).


It makes good sense because there are alot of crappy games out there, and games aren't always very cheap either. You have to be careful what you spend your money on.


100% legal methods of testing games are the best solution to this of course. I don't think leaking betas is very good, mainly because it spoils the suprise (it would for me at least) and they give the wrong impressions about a game from an unfinished portion that wasn't meant to be played by non-developers anyway.


If I like a game, I wish to encourage the developers/publishers of said game and buy the game with my hard earned money. It would be easy to never have to actually buy another game in my life, but that's not the point.


I have no problem with borrowing a game from a friend to see if it's any good first. Often demos don't come out in a timely fashion or aren't very representative of the game. Other times it just isn't feasible to rent the game, etc.


That said..


If you like the game, help the honest developers and send some cash their way, don't they deserve it? ; )


You may not agree, but that's MHO.



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