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To:Ikhnaton, this is kind of important.

Guest Adi_Gallia

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Guest Adi_Gallia

<font face="Calligraph421 BT"><font color="lightblue"> I was just going to post this because I think what your doing is right. See why we needed moderators before?I appreciate what your doing, but I think these people on this forum aren't getting the message.


I know what you must be thinking,"These kids need help". I agree. Do you, and the other moderators, have the power to get rid of members on the board?Because if you do, DarthJustin69 and Lando should be the ones to get rid of.


All I really wanted to say is, thank you. You are sane, not rude, and much appreciated on here.May the Force be with you.



PS: Sorry if this sounded corny, I didn't find any where else to post it.






~And your overconfidence in your friends is yours!~

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Guest Ikhnaton

Thank you Adi, but i think we can figure out who needs disciplining and who doesn't, and noone likes a narc.


banning someone is a last resort which we have yet to do on these boards. i hope you kids can keep it that way. <font size=1>


[This message has been edited by Ikhnaton (edited April 30, 2000).]

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Guest the13thJedi

to Ikhnaton-

Moderators are cool but you must understand that not all of us are "kids." Now I'm not trying to start a ruckus because part of me realizes that some of the members are kids, while others just act like it... Believe it or not though, some of us do actually try to keep this forum relatively intelligent and respectable.

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Guest Kurgan

The ones who are kids, and the ones who act like it.. that accounts for a large number of posters, but anyway.. ; )


I think he meant "kids" like in a friendly way, like "boys and girls." Not necessarily meaning he thought everyone was under the age of 17 here.



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