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EFGA wants you!!!


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Greetings every this is Dracofyre. The EFGA's JK2 subgroup is recruiting. We currently aren't very big, but are working at becoming a full sized clan on our own. The EFGA itself is a clan that was originally devoted to playing X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter, but has added a Jedi Knight 2 subgroup.

Our site iswww.efga.co.uk,

we are accepting all sorts of skill levels, and I will give training if you need it. my email is furyofyawgmoth@hotmail.com, and the clan leader's email is mark@bensonsmith.fsnet.co.uk. It doesn't matter if you want to swing a saber, or just blow stuff up in a sleek x-wing, we've got a spot for you.

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