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Lord Ganjatron

Guest Master Kenobi

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Guest Master Kenobi

<font color="aquamarine">I'd like to know if you were telling the truth about aquiring Ki-Adi and Aurra Sing, and if so, can you prove it? I am not as quick to judge people, unlike some on this forum and I truly am interested in earning these characters. Please Respond...



May the Force be With You....




Wise, Honorable Jedi

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Guest liquidkid

quick to judge?! you've gotta be kidding!!!



dude, did you know that the word gulible is not in the dictionary?


i really hope i spelled gullible right... otherwise i would look like a horses patoot.







-UNcouncil Master of Insults, Supreme Chancelor's Hitman, All Around Bully.


P.L.U.R. <> J9K-4-LIFE <> JEDI-4-LIFE <> MCL

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Guest Darth Wart

i know what you mean, liquidkid.


I tried what he said for a little over an hour with different characters before determining it was impossible.


In other matters, no such test was needed; I knew he was lying the minute I read his post and I said so then and there.


For those of you who are unclear on what happened (like darthjustin); they banned (or tried to ban) Ganjatron for his gratuitous flaming (for an example, see "like my new pic?" from yesterday), NOT for his suspicious claims.


Flaming will get you kicked off this board; suspicious claims won't. Suspicious claims will merely get you exposed.


(that's what I'm here for.)






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Guest darthjustin69

man oh man i wen to that post "like my new pic" and i think he should be banned if not already obviosly he is just trying to get attention and cant find it from anyone else




... "You are no match for me weak Jedi"



Sith Order Member

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Guest Master Kenobi

<font color="aquamarine"> I apologize for asking a simple question. Apparently, questions offend people in this forum.



May the Force be With You....




Wise, Honorable Jedi

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Guest darthjustin69

im not talking about you kenobi im talking aboyt the gunga sith guy sorry for the mishap if you thought i was talking about u!!




... "You are no match for me weak Jedi"



Sith Order Member

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Guest Master Kenobi

<font color="aquamarine"> I know you didn't mean me. I just wanted to know if there was any validity to his claims.



May the Force be With You....




Wise, Honorable Jedi

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

Would you ask a monkey to explain quantum physics? I think not. Thus is the knowledge of Gonjatron.





Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest Darth skywalker

Ganjatron is nothing but a liar the uncouncil shall eat him.



*Darth skywalker*

Dark sith lord of humor*


Member of the Un-council.




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