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Guest Obi Gon

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Guest Obi Gon



Can you guys tell me exactly what is wrong with this (JPB) game? I've never played it before, and everytime I go to rent it, it's gone, so I'm just wondering. A lot of people around here don't seem to like it that much....is it really that bad?

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

It depends on your tastes. I personally like the game except for Coruscant, which is the most annoying level I've ever played. Other than that, it's a fun game.


Others, as you can see, don't like it. LucasArts could have cleaned it up a lot, getting rid of most if not all of the glitches and allowing the player to change camera angles. When you can, rent it and decide for yourself.




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Guest Acid_Rain327

Let me put it to you this way, bud:

If you enjoy paying big-name companies to beta test their games for them, with no consolation or compensation, then go right ahead.


The game is just that - a beta version for the Dreamcast title coming out this fall.


The game is unfinished, glitchy as hell (unless you consider falling through unsolidified mats normal), and rediculously sloppy. This is the single, most unfinished game on the market, rivaled only by Titus' Superman 64. It is that bad.


Not only that, but the game play sucks. Even the fantatics here have to agree that the animations do nothing but hinder movement, and the mechanics if it all are so sub-par it's not funny.



If you absolutely must have this game, either wait for the Dreamcast version (which I personally do not condone) or burn a copy from some poor friend of yours who was suckered in, like all of us here were.



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Guest zorba the l.a nut

im not shure if anyone cares; but jpb could of been placed 2,000 years before tpm. I mean even the tpm game had better movie qualities then jpb. and when in the movie did the jedi have to go 10 miles to fight darth maul in tatooine. and the jedi never did make it to the jedi temple in the game. well its just my opinion. sianara



im mad as hell; and im not gonna take it anymore

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Guest jedihorn1

it is just a game. It wasn't supposed to be a dirct copy of the movie, otherwise it would have been called TPM. Besides, we could sit here and bash JPB and its gameplay all day long, but its gameplay is still a lot better than most. BTW, I played TPM and almost threw up. The gameplay sucked, JPB is much better. The ONLY thing good about the game was the movies and the Duel of Fates Vidio.




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Guest zorba the l.a nut

but the jedi never mafe it to the temple in corusant



im mad as hell; and im not gonna take it anymore

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Guest Kurgan

===========Rant Alert!=================

(you've been warned)


Let me put it this way.. if you have played Gauntlet Legends, or Jedi Knight, or TPM for the PC, or any decent arcade or action/fighting game.. JPB for the PSX will be an utter disapointment.


The best thing about JPB would be short rental with two players.. but even then, the flaws in its core gameplay are painfully clear after about an hour or less.


TPM (for the PC) at least had the ability to use cheats to make the game more fun if you felt the puzzles or enemies were too lame (ie: if you hate being Padme, you can switch to Gui Gon mid-level, if you hate the camera, switch to first person, etc). It had a coherent storyline and yes some stupid puzzles, but not as many and they were easier to solve in most cases. JPB is just so hit 'n' miss. At least in TPM when you hit the button, your character responded immediately, and if you missed, you could quickly readjust yourself and make the kill. Not so in JPB.. you have to sit and wait for your character to pull off his/her stupid combo that doesn't do half as much damage as it should.


TPM isn't the greatest game in the world, but what it does, it does better than the equivalent in JPB.


My main points of contention with JPB are not the obvious ones. Yes there were bugs and bad graphics that could be fixed. I'm into gameplay, so big deal. I am not so devoted to Star Wars as to excuse the flaws in this game just because it's another chance to swing a lightsaber.


No non-gameshark cheats that work means that there isn't the "cheat safety net" of having fun with the game that TPM allowed.


I haven't played TPM for PSX. I hear it's a big scaled back, and I could care less about the Duel of the Fates Video. I watched that on my computer, big whoop. If I lacked a PC, and only have a PSX, I couldn't expect more, but do expect more, especially from LucasArts.


JPB itself has alot of secrets, but flawed and annoying gameplay make it not worth the effort to unlock these IMHO. JPB is more frustrating than fun. It's more repative than cool. I shouldn't lose the game because of flaws in the design!


Other problems include lack of jumping attacks, no way to stop animations of long attacks (that are overly long and pointless for the most part), and sucky controls. Jump puzzles are a sorry excuse for gameplay let me tell you. Plus the camera system needs alot of work.


The opening cutscene was great, and two player is alot better than single player.


The game was hyped, and it had potential, but it failed in my book (and in many others).


Had it had no connection with Star Wars at all, perhaps I would have had a different impression of it, but they force an inevitable comparisson to other recent (and much better) games. They could have done better, and other developers have done better.


Were there no better games out there, I wouldn't be ranting here about it now.


Anyway, sorry about going off on that, but it's probably the last time I will. ; P


I feel I know what I'm talking about, having given the game a chance. I'm not the only one who felt it fell short of what it could have been. I'm glad I didn't spend a dime on the game. The reviews were right (for once)!

Looking ahead...


The DC version MAY be a decent game if the developers take the time to improve the core gameplay (and not just add fringe features that will be lost as novelty in about 20 minutes). It all depends on the developers.


They mention Gauntlet Legends in the IGN interview. YES! Go with it! That's a good idea! Take a hint from a good game and follow their example JPB design team!


I have mixed feelings about the DC JPB. If the DC version just turns out to be an improved graphics version of JPB with a couple of new secrets/characters thrown in, it won't be worth it.


Here's my spin on how to fix things up:


1) Cheat codes would help a bit (like the ability to use the ultimate saber right away, so the damage could be more believable). A few gimmick features won't do it though. Sounds like they will be adding cheats. At least that is one point in their favor.


2) Adding the ability to attack in mid-air (they haven't said a word about this yet) would be a huge step in the right direction. Right now jumping is a lame escape manuver (why should a Jedi have to run from the weakest enemies?!), and for the jump puzzles (curse jump puzzles!). With the ability to attack in mid-air (which they show you doing in the opening cutscene even), gameplay would be vastly improved and far less frustrating.


3) Next, a quick, simple, generic swing would be nice. Or the ability to "get out" of any animation when attack. Ie: you don't have to sit and wait for the combo to finish, you can get out of it and move around. I hate having to time my attacks like some chess game. Hey, a Jedi could slow down time so he could do these manuvers, but in the game you have to be a combo man and do all this irrelevant crap that isn't any fun. It's just unnecessary.


Those three things would fix the game up. Then they need to polish it. Fix the bugs, improve the graphics, and fix that dang camera. Then add the fun stuff like more characters and Darth Maul's doublesaber and four player interaction. Then I'll get it. Maybe. I'll rent it first. ; )


As far as Jedi Power Battles PSX is concerned, I suggest renting it or playing an in-store demo or at a friend's house before you buy it. Otherwise you'll be sorry, as it's a disapointing game.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited July 25, 2000).]

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Guest Kurgan

Sorry, that rant is probably hard to wade through. Here's my points, summed up:


Why JPB PSX sucks:


1) No non-gameshark cheats/codes to improve gameplay and add variety. One more thing I hate about the game is the monotony. If you die, you have to replay almost the whole area you were at. Most arcade type games have you respawn right where you were (with one less life of course). Plus there's no way to save mid-level, so it forces you to replay frustrating and boring scenarios until you have them perfect, to get to where you WANT to be. Again, cheats could help remedy this. At least make the respawn system better. CONTINUES should be where you restart the scenario, not simply dying. It's a game, make it fun!


2) Graphics suck (it's on the 5+ year old PSX so this can mostly overlooked).


3) No mid-air attacks. Doesn't make sense why not. Even in TPM you could do them. In the movie and in the opening cutscene of this very game, you can do mid-air attacks. This hinders gameplay because when you jump, you are totally helpless.


4) Controls suck. Animations are too long and you can't break out of them. Too much prediction is involved in attacking and comboing. Simple is better, look at JK and TPM, much easier to fight without getting beaten to a pulp by the weakest of enemies. A real Jedi wouldn't have these problems fighting. The characters you control are supposed to be MASTERS for goshsakes! The movements just aren't responsive enough either.


5) Cameras suck. You can't zoom or rotate them (standard in many 3d games nowadays) plus it often obscures your view, or gets too tiny, or LOSES characters offscreen. That's just inexcusable in an action game.


6) Bugs. I haven't played the game through to the end, so I can't list all of them here, but I have fallen through the ground in the past, and others have posted problems. There are supposedly powerups you can't get, and stuff like that. Glitches in console games suck, because they can't release a patch to fix them, only a mass recall (which almost never happens).


7) Feels unfinished. Why does Darth Maul, not have his trademark double bladed saber for you to use? If they were going to include him, the least they could have done would be to have him use this weapon. It's like Batman without his utility belt, or Godzilla without his toxic breath. The bugs again, show that this game was rushed. Why is it the difficulty levels are nearly indistinguishable?


The developers of the DC version need to realise the core gameplay is the main problem with JPB PSX. Polish is great, but "you can't polish a turd."



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Guest Hannibal

Uhh, Kurgan you can "polish a turd" only it really messes up your rag. Good call on JPB though. I also read somewhere on this forum where somebody said we were used as beta testers for the DC version. Good call whoever you were!!!! That pisses me off.


For whoever asked if its a good game its probably worth the value now only if they've dropped the price.



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[This message has been edited by Hannibal (edited July 26, 2000).]

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