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Mace is good...but..

Guest SWAT6

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Guest SWAT6

I see that everyone just LOVES mace. I mean i love his moves and force powers BUT, don't you think his combos are a little hard to do. i mean, sometimes the background interferes with the game and slows it down. So it is sometimes immpossible to execute a long combo. Can someone tell me how to get around this?



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Guest Pizza the Hutt

This happened to me more with Mace than with any other character, particularly with his square, square, square combo (or was it x, x, x...I can't remember which). I'd end up with a series of individual slashes instead of the combo. My advice is to slow down your button-pushing when the game slows down. It seems to work for me.

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Guest Darth Wart

Lately I've been cursing Mace's very name.


I've found him particularly weak against the Gungan boss; I've been losing like 3-5 guys when I try to get him past that.


Since I double back, I easily have the 30k necessary for the level, so when I get to that final checkpoint, I just walk between the gungan warriors and take out the last 3 with long-range force.


It's their death that loads the boss; that way you can take the boss on without having first depleted your forces.


But I understand; he frequently gives me a single stroke when i distinctly asked for 3.






There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest SWAT6

Oh yeah, wart? can you tell me how to make a picture with a lightsaber blade like you do. any help would be hot! thanks!

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Guest Darth Wart

i'm divided right now between mace and qui-gon. mace's saber throw can work wonders, but qui-gon's healing frequently saves the day.


amidala is the most efficiently deadly, but it's simply not the same game when you're playing with her.


as for the saber, my pic was done by jedi kanigget. I remember he said there was a website to help you do that, but I forget in which thread he listed the URL. You should ask him.






There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest SithLord.GanjaTron

<font color=blue>I really do enjoy editing these posts...


[This message has been edited by Ikhnaton (edited May 05, 2000).]

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