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Concept Art? What concept art?

Guest Obi-Gyn Kenobi

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Guest Obi-Gyn Kenobi

Okay, so I finally scored those three damn goals in the egregiously silly and thoroughly pointless Gungan Roundup, but where's the concept art I've heard so much about? What do I have to do? The game just keeps going on and on and on, and when it's over, nothing. Nada. Zip.

Am I supposed to score three GOALS, or win three GAMES? What's the deal?


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Guest Dave Maul

All you have to do is score three goals. I'm not sure if you can save at the end of this level, but save as quickly as you can, otherwise you'll have to beat the level every time you want to see the art. However, it is worth it.


Go to the start menu, with 'Load Game', etc. 'Concept Art' should be there, so select that, and enjoy. Some of the pics are quite interesting ('Jedi Power Struggles'!)




Dave Maul

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