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Maul's Changing Voice

Guest Dave Maul

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Guest Dave Maul

I'm currently playing through the game once again as Maul (with no double blade, thank you very much Insider!), and I've noticed that on Theed he says his lines like he was Darth Maul; I found it funny to see Darth Maul saying sinisterly that he was there to save the queen, and the handmaiden believing him!


However, on Tatooine, when he says "Anakin! Run! Tell them to take off!", he sounds like Samuel L. Jackson.




Dave Maul

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Guest Dave Maul

Really? confused.gif Which scene? I can assure you there is speech for all of his lines:


I am here to rescue the Queen. Can you help me?

Your Highness, I am here to escort you to safety.

Anakin, no!

Anakin! Run! Tell them to take off!




Dave Maul

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Guest Padawan Ian

I have a suspicion regarding why you do not hear some of the voices. In some cases they are part of the music (who knows why; it's certainly inconsistent). Do you have the music turned off? I often turn it off because it's distracting.


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Guest Darth Wart

Padawan Ian, that's a darn good theory!


I turn the music off, too.


Unfortunately I can't check your theory because a friend has my PSX, JPB included.



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Guest Dave Maul

Ahh, yes, that's true. During the first Tatooine cutscene, neither Darth Maul, Anakin or Obi-Wan have voices. And those are just the one's I've checked.


Wart, this may be why Amidala has no voice on your game (as you stated in your walkthrough). When you get your PSX back, try a few levels with the music on.




Dave Maul

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Guest jedihorn1

One flaw to your theory, I have my music on and I can't hear the voices sometimes either.




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Guest Padawan Ian

It's not a theory as far as I'm concerned. The behavior is consistent on my system. Two places I remember this occuring are on level four, when Padame speaks, and just a bit later when Amadala speaks. If I have the music turned off, they don't have voices. It's that simple.

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