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I need a uv mapper person


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Ok as you may or may not know I am makin a Squall Leonheart model. I am stuck on the whole UV whatever process. There is one other problem it is in milkshape format (the file that is). But i heard there were ways to get round it. Please somone finish this model.


It is up to one of you to bear this burden. The fate of middle earth ...................opppps i watch that movie too much. The fate of this model is in your hands people.

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If you cant find anyone to do it, you could do it yourself too cause u unwrap it in milkshape look at this page quite near the bottom http://www.planetquake.com/polycount/cottages/qbranch/tutorials/meshimages.shtml but if u want to try other way i think it would work if you used NPHERNO md3 which is in the same pack all u have to do is export as md3. That might not work though.

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