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Ki-Adi-Mundi In The UK Game!

Guest Ki-Adi-Michael

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Guest Ki-Adi-Michael

I'm not sure how I did it, but I've got a playable Ki-Adi-Mundi on my game! I'm playing the UK PAL version, and I've completed the game on Jedi with all 8 characters. I pressed 'select' on Adi Gallia, and she was replaced with Ki-Adi-Mundi! I am NOT joking, guys! The UK release was held back a few weeks to remove bugs, convert to PAL, etc. I think they may have added him in during that time!

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Guest Kurgan

My question would then be.. if the UK version had something the US version didn't, why wouldn't they hype it all to hell?


Why would they be making such a big deal about the DC version having him in it, if the UK version already did for PSX?


Somehow I just don't buy it.


Now if he could post some screenshots, that would go a long way to convincing me.

I'm not willing to play through the entire game eight times just to see if he isn't lying, after getting an ISO of the PAL version (which would be hard to do, but not impossible... and I don't encourage piracy..



It's probably a hoax that he's pulling, like so many other newbies on this board who seem to think it's cool to post fake codes.

; p




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited July 27, 2000).]

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Here's my two cents:


First of all, no offense to anyone on this board who lives in the region which receives the PAL versions of software, but:


Gaming companies, software companies and programmers care less about the PAL versions of anything than they do the American and Japanese released versions. Not because they're discriminatory, but because there are far more interested consumers in the states and Japan.

So, they wouldn't spend extra money to fix the PAL version. Trust me on this; they screwed America and Japan over, so there's no way in hell they'd fix the game up and release a better version for a region with far less consumers.


Second, there's a huge amount of hype surrounding the Dreamcast release of JPB. If they're going to spend money to release this version (which is being hyped as being "better" than the PSX version) then why would they release a PAL version of essentially the same stature? They'd be gipping themselves out of a LOT of money, and judging by Lucas Arts' actions, money is pretty damn important to them...


So, I think this guy should receive the same treatment the Insider had:

Give him 24 hours to post legible proof, or ban his lying arse.




[This message has been edited by Acid_Rain327 (edited July 26, 2000).]

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Guest the13thJedi

I'll second that motion. I'm sick of seeing people makes these claims with the intention of deceiving the members of this board just so they can get a laugh. Either that or they're pathelogical liars biggrin.gif...


Whats your standpoint on this one Kurgan?




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Guest Dave Maul

Guys, lets just take a moment to think about this. Someone comes on the board claiming that there are unknown codes in the game. He's banned 11:44 on July 25th.


Ki-Adi-Michael appears, posting at 11:32 on July 26th; almost 1/2 a day after. He claims that there is another secret character.


Don't you guys see? For all we know, this is the same guy as before, with a completely different story, trying to get attention. Give him the same ultimatum, Kurgan; 24 hours to post a screenshot, or he's banned!




Dave Maul

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Guest obi-tom-kenobi

very good dave maul i think you should be a detective!




cheers obi wan 13!

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Guest Kurgan

; ) Well to be fair, it would take a while longer to post screenshots of Ki Adi Mundi from the PSX disc than to put forth codes you just have sitting on your lap.


So I'll give him a week. How 'bout that?


I suggest he checks out bleem! Is that at bleem.com? And use that to get some screengrabs. He's probably need to play quite a bit to duplicate this "rare" code. Or else perhaps he will say he can never duplicate it. In which case he needs to get a camera and take some shots of the screen or find a friend with a video out from his PSX to his pc that can take screen grabs, etc.


So one week from now to produce screenshots or video of Ki Adi Mundi in JPB PSX... or else come up with some really good fakes. This will also give him time to refine his story about the exact "code" needed to get Ki Adi, other than simply "beating the game with all 8 and hitting select on Adi Gallia."



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dang dave. i never thought of it like that. anyways, i say the only way to settle this is for this guy to give me his address and let me go to his house to see if he's lieing.


i got a secret charecter too. Bob Dole! Oh wait, theres santa claus as well! And there is a charecter i didnt suspect to be on the game, the guy that lives three houses down from me!!!!(im not kidding either) rolleyes.gif



duel3.gif "You want to wrastle me Lawler? Wrastle me?!? Is that how they talk in Memphis Tennesse?" -Andy Kauffmaun


[This message has been edited by obi-wan13 (edited July 27, 2000).]

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Guest Kurgan

Sort of reminds me of the guy who posted two entries in two "secrets faq's" for this one JK site.. dang, now I forget the name. The big one with the huge clan listing, that used to be big in '97-'98. Not outpost3d, but I'm thinking of something along those lines namewise.. dang.


Anyhow, this guy posted in two other places a secret submission.. it was, get this:


Saber Throw in JK! In the original game!


He claimed that if you used force throw AND force speed at the same time, you'd throw your saber! LoL. Of course a total lie, there's no way to do that without modifying the game yourself, but it got posted. I'm sure some folks were excited about that for a bit. I sent him an email and told him what a liar he was and how sad it was that he posted something fake just to get his name on the page.


He of course responded and tried to make it out that I was the sad one for responding to his "joke" but of course I wasn't the one spamming game faq's with fake codes to get my name in lights. What a jerk!


So anyhow, I wouldn't put it past people. People on the 'net are often gullible and folks like that prey on them. I guess it makes them feel superior to have tricked somebody, even if only for a few minutes or hours. Note all the "ICQ will delete you unless you forward this to 10 people" fake messages that get passed around every other month. That and some folks like the attention they get from posting fake stuff.


Now that's sad. Save it for April Fool's day guys... really.



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Guest Dave Maul

very good dave maul i think you should be a detective!

dang dave. i never thought of it like that.


(Bows gratefully) smile.gif




Dave Maul

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Guest Jedi Master Mace Windu

<font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="#117DF4"> Also, notice that he did not put his e-mail address so that no one can send him any "friendly e-mails" to him about this so-called code.


(Sure, I don't show my e-mail, but I don't go around spreading lies.)



Jedi mind tricks don't work on me....



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Guest Wolverine

Actually as you say, probably didn't put it because he knew he would be getting all this crap, now I'm not saying that hes telling the truth. I'm actually saying, if you don't believe, then keep quiet...




Yer gonna be gettin' me a new bike! I lend ya mine fre one day and ya leave it parked in another dimension. So start raiding the cookie jar, bub, 'cause the lod Canucklehead's gotta have a set o' wheels!
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Guest jedihorn1

What we are saying is we are not keeping quiet cuz we already know it isn't true. Period. We have been through this crap more than once and if it hasn't been found by someone here already, it most certainly would have been publicised by LucasArts to keep PSX players interested, because of the release of the Dreamcast version. They would not have aa reason to keep any unknown characters or codes secret anymore. Believe what you want, but take it from all the people who have been on this forum since or close to the start; the stuff is false. You want more secret characters, get a dreamcast.




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Guest the13thJedi

Originally posted by Wolverine:

Actually as you say, probably didn't put it because he knew he would be getting all this crap, now I'm not saying that hes telling the truth. I'm actually saying, if you don't believe, then keep quiet...



Listen up Bub. This post is a good way to piss people off. You only have a handful of posts and your telling people to "Keep Quiet"


Your new here and most of us have been here for a while. We have seen and heard all the rumors there is to hear. We speak up because were sick of these idiots coming in and trying to play us all for fools.


A word of advice: Lay off with telling us what we should do. And as far as your inability to tell when were messing around (New Secret Charcter Found, Really... Post), You might wanna work on that too, Its all in good fun. Most of us (Kanigget, Wart, Acid, JediHorn, Darth Skywalker, Calypso, Hannibal) Have been here a while and thats the kinda crap we don't need to hear from someone with only 13 posts, And I think that I may speak for them as well.


I'm not telling you to leave, But if you want to earn the respect of the members of this board, you may want to consider thinking before posting.







[This message has been edited by the13thJedi (edited July 29, 2000).]

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Guest Jedi Dire

Originally posted by the13thJedi:

Listen up Bub. This post is a good way to piss people off. You only have a handful of posts and your telling people to "Keep Quiet"


Your new here and most of us have been here for a while. We have seen and heard all the rumors there is to hear. We speak up because were sick of these idiots coming in and trying to play us all for fools.


A word of advice: Lay off with telling us what we should do. And as far as your inability to tell when were messing around (New Secret Charcter Found, Really... Post), You might wanna work on that too, Its all in good fun. Most of us (Kanigget, Wart, Acid, JediHorn, Darth Skywalker, Calypso, Hannibal) Have been here a while and thats the kinda crap we don't need to hear from someone with only 13 posts, And I think that I may speak for them as well.


I'm not telling you to leave, But if you want to earn the respect of the members of this board, you may want to consider thinking before posting.





i agree with The13thJedi. i may only have 34 posts, but i tend not to post a lot, just read. i believe that this whole board is tired of "secret characters" or "secret codes". i mean hey, if you're gonna post that, expect scepticism(sp?), because none of us (permit me to speak for all of us) has NOT seen a "hidden" code that allowed us to do anything (with the exception of the code that gave us unlimited items, which was in turn was supposed to give Amidala a lightsaber, was just plain useless)


if you want to insult the people who are sceptics, please feel free to insult just about everyone on this board. we want proof, and none of those "secret codes" people have given us proof.


so unless we see it, we will continue not to believe him. and i don't think sceptisism (sp?) is bad otherwise our good moderator, Kurgan, would of banned half of us by now smile.gif


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