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Episodes VII, VIII, and IX

Guest Pure Guiness

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Guest Pure Guiness


You guys think that old George will use Timothy's continuations as a basis for those episodes ? (if George lives that long) smile.gif


For the record, George gets all his ideas from oriental traditions (all swiped).


Believe it or not, Light Sabers are Japanese, and the double edged blade that Darth Maul has is a real weapon used by old Shaolin masters in the 16th to 18th century (apparently), but they are real !


Anyway, back to the question in hand...



Watchin the game, having a bud


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Guest Kurgan

He doesn't exclusively use oriental sources, although some claim the "hidden fortress" is the whole thing. I disagree.


While there are obviously these strong influences, the Star Wars universe (as George Lucas envisioned it) is inspired by many things, spagetti westerns, cliffhangers, Flash Gordon, Samurai movies, Arthurian Romance, history of the Roman Empire, Ben Hur, etc.


And classic old myths and religious stories as well...


Classic action movies, stories, and history, that's what it's about.


If GL doesn't make Episodes VII-IX, (unless of course he has nothing at all written about them, then it's highly doubtful) it is possible that somebody else will, even if it's one of his grandkids.. ; )


Hey, they made a sequel to "Gone with the Wind" many years later, and made it into a movie.


Oh, and I would highly doubt George would base any of his SW movies off of stories he didn't write.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited June 26, 2000).]

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Guest 84Elan

That would be sweet but I think that Lucas would have made making a SW movie almost impossible for anyone else through legal and monitary means. The six movies are all we are going to get from GL.



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Guest the13thJedi

Seeing the last three would be a dream come true... And as far as the whole basis of the films, Lucas himself said "The Future needs a Past"

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Guest Jedi Dire

don't forget there are several dozen books that start from a day after the battle of Endor to...well...who knows? i've read about half of them.

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Guest DarthGohan1016

It would probably confuse anyone who hasnt read the series, but I think the only way they could make 7,8, and 9 is if they use the plot from the New Jedi Order series, they dont have to follow the series exactly but I think it could work if he tried

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Guest Pure Guiness


Kurgan, I agree with ya, the ideas are from various sources, it would be ludicrous to just use oriental history...


I think Ben Hur inspired the Pod Racer scene...



Watchin the game, having a bud


All good things come to those who..............

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Guest Acid_Rain327

First of all, Lucas went after the rights to "The Hidden Fortress" because the story for A New Hope (not any other SW film) was decidedly so similar to it.

So, Oriental influence is definitely a more prominant influnce, among culutres the world over.


Next, I don't think Lightsabers are real in any form; unless in mythos or fiction.

Also, Maul uses the double-bladed saber like a quarterstaff, if that's the weapon you're refering to.


Next, it's rediculous to think that Lucas would use any novels for his films. The novels are homages to the film and their creator, not the other way around.

These films are his vision; one which he's worked harder than hell to realize, and I don't think he'd use anyone else's stories.


And if Lucas doesn't reconsider and make VII-IX, I have a feeling one of his kids will take up the family business.



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