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Hookay...I need help...

Guest Acid_Rain327

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Guest Acid_Rain327

I am STILL stuck on the damn Survival Challenge.


I've followed Wart and Kanigget's guide to the letter, and everytime, those actions are countered.


I ran around the Droidekas, and they shot each other like you all said, and everything was all fine and dandy - until one of the droids began following me in wheel mode, smacking me every two seconds while the other continued to shoot at me(!). This has happened EVERY time.


I'm using Qui-Gon, but his healing is far too weak, and is too time consuming to do any good - there isn't a decent place throughout the entire level to use the healing without having twice as much knocked down in the process. Out of desperation, I am forced to grab the health power-up, and just struggle until my efforts are soon ended, always about 1/4 to 1/2 way through the gold-colored battle droids.


Any other suggestions?


[This message has been edited by Acid_Rain327 (edited April 30, 2000).]

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Guest Darth Wart

i'm sorry my guide failed you


give me about ten minutes; I'm going to play 14 through with Qui (with ultimate saber off, of course) to see if I can come up with a more accurate description of how I do it...





There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest Mace_Windu

Qui-gons health was what worked for me but if that wont work try staying in one corner. During the droidekas part if you stay in a corner they won't all come onto the screen so you should only have to kill them one at a time. The only problem with this is that when they drop guys down they follow a sequence and if someone has already been dropped in one spot and they try to drop anothe they will drop a third in a different spot(i hope that makes sense). This makes it hard because you now have 3 to deal with but 2 of them will be offscreen and if you can kill them all it will go back to only haveing 2 at a time in the next level. If you can get down to only haveing guys offscreen you can use ehal without being attacked. This is the only time ive found that it works. I hope that helps(if you can understand it). Alos try going back to old levels and getting skill 100 if you don't have it.

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Guest Darth Wart



(Note my Qui gon is at skill 100 -- is yours?)


100-90 run around in circles till both guys are running after you in tandem; then a quick R1 + S will dispatch both in one blow (do not use a more time-consuming stroke)


90-80 make SURE you run around in circles; these guys'll fire at you. when they're together, same stroke. you should be running around constantly. when they drop in, you should already be on the run. fighting like a coward is the key to success


80-70 red droids; same as above, except they're more likely to shoot you. make sure you're running when they land. they also take more blows. for Qui, i just keep hitting R1 + S until they both drop (that's the swing you're using, right, Acid Rain?) since there's no timer, the best time to strike is when they're both running after you and they've each recently swung at the air. This means they won't pull off another combo for at least another two seconds.


70-60 the rifle droids. running, running. keep one off screen at all times; deal one at a time. watch your shadow (I know you've already heard all of this stuff). notice that when they're "on camera," they can only fire one blow at a time, then they have to pause. this pause is your opportunity to strike. if you get them off camera, they can shoot more rounds, but they'll aim to high. solution: get them on camera briefly, till they shoot at you. run to the side to dodge their missile, then run at them and take them out. only do this if the other one's not on the screen at the same time. toward the end, you've a tendency to see these guys bunch up in the corner. great time for that grenade.


60-50 flame droids. you can lose a lot of points here and not know it because you're guy doesn't go into his paralytic screams. these guys'll run after you too, but they'll still "shoot" wait until you hear six puffs. that means they've both shot their wads and won't be shooting again for a few more seconds. this is the time to take them out


50-40 those rolling droids. you know all about these guys, acid. but did you know that frequently by going to 12:00, you can offscreen firing too high? you can then heal yourself in peace. done right, this section can take awhile; lately I've been speeding up the process by "lining" this up, but this is dangerous. you're usually gonna hafta deflect the last one


40-30 get these guys on screen one at a time; although you can get them to follow around you like the other droids, I wouldn't advise it. each of them take too many hits to take out. (The Prima guide says they can think for themselves; this means they'll always block your attacks if you keep using the same ones; use different combos.) I killed almost all these guys right now by deflecting them one by one


30-20 notice these guys'll never shoot at you; they only use their sticks. watch out for their lunge; it's always their first attack. group them, and toggle lockon while using square.


20-10 deflect these guys in leisure, except when their green buddy comes. then get him to chase you until his cronies are offscreen, do him in, then get back to your deflection


10-0 this is when I pick up that giant lightsaber thingie. just a constant R1 + S orgy throughout this whole sequence.


i always recharge myself during the breaks between the waves. you've a couple more seconds then.


note that when I did it this time, I never picked up that yellow thingie in the corner.


if THIS doesn't help you, I'll leave this board in disgrace.



There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest Hannibal

Wart, that exact strategy worked for me. So, your not going anywhere. In life I mean. wink.gif




Man-eating vice-president of the Un-Council

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Nothing is working for me, so I've elected to just start over on the game, and go back to get every character leveled up, and so on.

Instead of being so frustrated, I'm going to start over and get to liking the game again.

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Guest the13thJedi

Originally posted by Acid_Rain327:

Nothing is working for me, so I've elected to just start over on the game, and go back to get every character leveled up, and so on.

Instead of being so frustrated, I'm going to start over and get to liking the game again.

You best bet is to try using Darth Maul or Obi-Wan, they are the fastest.... playing all the way through the game again seems like a lot of lost effort... If it makes you feels better, It took me about 9-10 tries before I finally did it.


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Guest the13thJedi

Originally posted by Acid_Rain327:

Nothing is working for me, so I've elected to just start over on the game, and go back to get every character leveled up, and so on.

Instead of being so frustrated, I'm going to start over and get to liking the game again.

You best bet is to try using Darth Maul or Obi-Wan, they are the fastest.... playing all the way through the game again seems like a lot of lost effort... If it makes you feels better, It took me about 9-10 tries before I finally did it.





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