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It keeps touching me! Ooh! Stop it!!

Guest Ray Park

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Guest Ray Park

I found it in the baggy under the bed and it won't stop pushing!


So I'm writing Star Craft. I've had writer's block lately but don't wanna get out of practice.


If you wanna read it and help me out (I'd apreciate some criticism and ideas, and please be a jackass about it) write your email here and I'll send you each chapter.


I'm gonna use all the dialogue from the game, and I'm also gonna add some characters. One of them will be a veteren zealot who survives every fight with the Zerg and doesn't get a scratch on him. He later becomes the new Preator after Artanis is hospitalized by a group of gay bashers (he's such a *** with that pretty high voice "Feel my wrath you silly little thing!")


I'm gonna finish it completely too, I have my own ideas for the ending (I don't care if she's infested, Kerrigan's takin' it off!).

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Guest Darth Wart

Hey, what do you mean you're writing Starcraft? A walkthrough? A sequel? A porno novel using the characters?


If you're looking to make yourself useful, why don't you help me with Protoss 7 ("Homeworld") on regular Starcraft; I can't get through that for anything.


lol about that line about Kerrigan!


just one question: what are you posting this stuff on this forum for? Why not http://discserver.snap.com/Indices/107022.html

it's like this forum, but devoted to all things SC






Currently the revised strategy guide is being housed (ON ONE PAGE!) at

http://darthwart.tripod.com/page1.html, which will be the address until Kanigget gets back at the end of June.

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Guest Solrya

Ook, Ray...you officially grossed me out. *shudders*





"Just because I'm a 15 year-old doesn't mean I can't be a Jedi Knight"



The Force is with you...always.

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Guest Ray Park

What's up with moderators? Are you guys all on power trips? What's wrong with a bit of creative humor? And no, I don't have issues, you guys have sense of humor issues, or lack of sense of humor issues.


Anyways, I'm gonna write Star Craft out in story form, because it really does have a rich and exciting plot. And I had an idea of how I'd like it to end.

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Ikhnaton was pretty lax until a couple of gits came along and decided to ruin this forum with flames, stupid postings, and really bad porn. He's no longer as lenient in how posts are done, and I don't blame him. It's not a power trip, it's experience.





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)



[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited June 28, 2000).]

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Guest Hannibal

Yeah Ikhnaton is cool. Get off his back. In my opinion (speaking from experience) one should never put a questionable post then wonder what's wrong with a moderator. Takes away your validity.



Man Eating Vice President of the Un-Council

Meet my temporary bodygard, they call him Orange-Karate Guy Thingy



"Death to the dead!"

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I agree, Ikhnaton has been very leanient. (sorry to bring this up, Ik,) but remember the Un-Council's infamous "diariea sock tag?" He could have flew into that situation, moderating like a bat out of hell, but instead, he politely told us not to speak of that stuff anymore. So get off his back, he's an OK guy.





<font color = "yellow">Say "hi" to Bango, my sidekick, he helps me bounty hunt.</font>


The Un-Council's Disgruntled Bounty Hunter



[This message has been edited by Jedi Calypso (edited June 28, 2000).]

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Guest Ray Park

Okay guy huh? Maybe in the past he was, and maybe he was just in a bad mood, and perhaps I'm reacting too strongly myself, but he reacted to me like a small child. You people say he has to maintain the maturity level of the forum (why? respect is good, civility is good, but maturity? "Why yes Geeves I believe this would be the PROPER thing to say."), well tell me if this is mature,



Jedi Council posted June 27, 2000 09:55 AM


you fool.


Some moderating. "You fool." That's maintaining maturity and civility? If someone is doing something extreme, like spamming, or posting porn, really really BAD things, then you just delete their accounts. But if you just don't get, or agree with, or if someone's humor just isn't your cup of tea, at the most you just tell them that.


I mean, he's the moderator, so he should be an axample, and he just says, you fool. C'mon people. That's what I was talking about when I said he wasn't a good moderator.


And in my forum, you can have diarhea sock tag. If you enjoy that kind of humor, then go for it. If you don't, don't read that thread.

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Guest Ikhnaton

this is a family forum, and you don't post sexual content, flames, obsceneties and the like.


You think I am being a tight-arse? It's because I have to be when people like you think they are above the rules. Go back and read the TOS that you agreed to when you signed up here.


This board is not your playground. You can't do whatever you want here. There are rules to abide by, and you are stepping over your boundaries.


If you want diarrhea sock tags then go back to your own board.


I have ZERO tolerance for people who post the things you have. Aristotle, the owner of this site, trusts my judgement enough to allow me to administer 3 of his boards. You got an issue with the way I do things, take it up with him.

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Guest Kurgan

I'll stand by that.


We have a right to express our opinion's too. We also reserve judgement on all issues of concern. In other words, we decide what's best, within the rules setup by Aristotle and Co.


We're not trying to be jerks, and nobody likes a dictator. But rules are rules....



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Guest Solrya

Wow, I have to admit, I never really read the TOS because I know what most ppl expect...

Anyway...I forgot what I was gonna say...I'll post something up when I do...



"Just because I'm a 15 year-old doesn't mean I can't be a Jedi Knight"



The Force is with you...always.


[This message has been edited by Solrya (edited June 30, 2000).]

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Guest Ray Park

Ok, I'm not being clear enough I guess. I'm not upset at WHAT he did. I'm upset at HOW he did it. "You fool". He's not trying to be a jerk? What, was it an accident then?


If you are a mod, or admin, you should be setting an example for others in the forum. Ikhnaton was breaking the rules just as much, and if not more than I was.

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Guest Kurgan

That was his opinion, and it was definately insulting (at least to you). You guys should talk. I'm sure you can get him to apologize.


Then you can kiss and make-up. ; )



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