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The 'Caim Reactor': question

Boba Fife

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Thanks, everybody, who helped me in the "Streets" level while lookin' for Reelo Baruk. Great level!!!! Very qool.


Anywho, here's my current quandry: I'm in the tunnels of the Caim Reactor where all the electrical currents make ya into Jedi Toast Crunchies if ya get too close to 'em. Ya know the place where ya have the green laser-lookin' things beamin' through the narrow corridors? I'm right at the junction before you turn the corner and can see the reactor.


Every time I get a glimpse of it, I'm blackened Cajun Jedi on the floor. So? What do I do to A.)Survive the currents or B.)Shut 'em down long enough to run over to the reactor to turn it off?


I gotta tell ya, I had JKII loaded on my 'puter for a few and hardly touched it and now that I've started playin', all I can think of is playin' it all over again. One heck of a game!!!!! Good times.....:)

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I'm sure that its all about judgement, you hit force speed just as the beam looks like its going to dissapate, that should give you enough time to make it through.


Im sure one route is a red herring as you get killed by a second beam, so try different routes.


Maybe im on about a different area?!?!


Oh well... If you don't already play multiplayer, i suggest you do, the fun of single player pales in comparrison methinks.








Bilbo. :wavey:

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