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Anyone here play X-Com 1 or 2?

Dagobahn Eagle

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Just wondering as I've picked up playing UFO Defense again.


For those of you who don't, here's the idea:

Over the years, reports have come in about people seeing and being abducted by Unidentified Flying Objects. By the time of the early 90's, however, the amount of reports were starting to increase. By the later 90's, the Extraterrestrials had begun an open war on Earth*.


In response to this, the naitons of the world started pooling money for a global corporation to fight the aliens, research their technology, manufacture weapons and ships to fight them with, and eventually drive them off of Earth. X-Com was born.


Sounds cliché-based? Well, plot-wise it really is, and in a way, that's what makes it so enjoyable. Gameplay-wise, though, it's all original:


You start the game with a small base with only a couple of facilities, like a research facility, workshop, living quarters, storage rooms, and hangars for your ships (two fighter planes and a troop transport).


When your radar system discovers a UFO, you send your interceptor to shoot it down. When you've shot it down, you send your troop transport with soldiers to capture it (when the transport gets to the crash-site, the game changes to a tactical interface and you are to command your group of 1-18 soldiers around the battlescape and kill/stun all the aliens).


Then, after your transport returns, you've got alien hull plates, corpses/prisoners, and artifacts to research or interrogate.


You also have to clear terror sites (aliens harrasing innocents), destroy alien bases (by landing and invading them with a group of soldiers), and defending your own base.


As you learn more about the alien threat, you'll eventually find a way to deal with the alien threat (and no, it's a bit more original than just "blow their mothership to Hell"). Research is vital.


I know this may not sound like a fun game, but it's bizarre, addictive, scary, gross, with a record-breaking replay value, and definetly worthe $5 you may have to cash out for it if MicroProse still has a Website.


Track this game down -though the graphics are old, so are those of Final Fantasy -that game still rocked.


Are there any other games that work this way (except from other X-Com Games)? Also, anyone here still play it?


*Seeing how X-Com was made in the 80's, 1999 seemed far into the future :)

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There is not a lot of 3rd person turn based games anymore since most games are in real time.


Some other tittles that I can think of off the top of my head is Jagged Alliance and Freedom Force (I think, not sure since I don't own it). And of course there are also turn based stratgey too like the Civilization, Alpha Centura, and Colonizatoin. I hope this helps some.

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