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am i sadistic or....?

Guest Shinigami

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Guest Shinigami

does anyone else like knocking sand people into the sarlacc pit?



12.gif Duo Maxwell: the UNcouncil's Master of Animé "I'm glad you're here to tell us these things!!"

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Guest Adi_Gallia

<font face="Calligraph421 BT"><font color="lightblue">::jumps up and down with her hand raised:: Me me me!





Jedi Master Adi Gallia


~Your over confidence is your weakness.~

~Your faith in your friends is yours!~

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Guest Shinigami

kool! i also like knocking mercinaries off buildings and droids off of canyons



12.gif Duo Maxwell: the UNcouncil's Master of Animé "I'm glad you're here to tell us these things!!"

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Hahaha, you have no idea how many times I've laughed out loud upon using Qui-Gon's X-X-T combo on some poor, hapless Mercenary, sending him right off various Coruscant buildings. =]

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Guest Adi_Gallia

<font face="Calligraph421 BT"><font color="lightblue"> You know what's funny? In TPM game, when you're the weakling that wears the kilt named Captain Panaka, jump off the buildings on Coruscant. It's a long fall...





Jedi Master Adi Gallia


~Your over confidence is your weakness.~

~Your faith in your friends is yours!~

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Guest Shinigami

what was the point of playing as panaka in that game? or amidala for that matter?



12.gif Duo Maxwell: the UNcouncil's Master of Animé "I'm glad you're here to tell us these things!!"

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Guest Jedi Trunks

in the fith level, i am plo and my bro is qui gon, we beat the living crap out of Maul, its so funny. we keep on doing out x x combos, its so easy! hehe





Trunks, Supreme Jedi

"I was merely here to save a life, now I must kick some Cell booty."

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

I feel sorry for him when I'm alone. I use Obi wan. I go back and forth between s,s,s combos, throw detinators at him and using close range force moves. He doesn't touch me once.





Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest BigBud

I have never tried to knock anyone into the sarlacc pit. Does anything cool happen, or do they just fall, and disapear? Or does it make chouing motions...or what... biggrin.gif





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Guest Shinigami

they just disappear into the pit, looks cool though



12.gif Duo Maxwell: the UNcouncil's Master of Animé "I'm glad you're here to tell us these things!!"

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Guest BigBud

Oh, stiill cool. I'll try it then. HAHAHAHAHAHAH biggrin.gif





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Guest Shinigami

its almost as cool as knocking darth maul off of a platform and seeing him triple or quadruple jump back on to it



12.gif Duo Maxwell: the UNcouncil's Master of Animé "I'm glad you're here to tell us these things!!"

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Guest the13thJedi

Once I knocked Maul off the ledge in the final room of the final Battle and the game just froze up... kinda crappy considering thats what happens in the film.

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