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Ki Adi Mundi may just be unlockable... I have evidence...

Guest Darth Vega

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Guest Darth Vega

I think that there's a good chance that Ki Adi Mundi might be accessible by code, secret, etc. The one pillar of evidence I have to lean on is the mysterious addition of his name to the game credits. Take a slight gander and you'll agree with me that it is quite mysterious. If Mundi is not in the game, the other cast members would probably have complained about a fellow cast member deserving undeserved credit. I say, that in my opinion, the great Jedi Master (along with maybe Yoda) could be in the game. Who knows? Stranger video game secrets have happened....


Let's all not forget the N-1's sudden appearance in Rogue Squadron. And even stranger still, by the time I bought my version of Rogue Squadron (my FAVORITE Star Wars game) the N-1 was accessible without the strange code HALIFAX?-!YNGWIE!. As I said before, stranger things have happened....


By the by, how many of you have actually checked every door, building, platform, and plateau in JPB. I might have suggestions to mass hint-hunting that may be of great delight to you all. Thank you all for your time.






Apprentice to Bane --

Master to Iniquitai, Veli, Adeth,

and Sidious I --

Darth Vega

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Guest ShadeShifter

Between everyone at this forum since April, everything has been checked. You missed out on the great "Hunt for Ki-Adi." People have searched the code, no luck. He isn't there. Nope, notta, nothing, zilch, zero. Personally, I spent hours upon hours searching and came up with abosolutely nothing but Bantha Poo-Doo (honestly, behind a rock at Tatooine wink.gif...j/k). More than likely, he's in the DC version. The PS version got shafted.





Come to the TimeSlide.


Thanks to Jedi Kanigget for the pic.

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Guest Jedi Dire

well, we all have had many dicussions about this, and even though Ki-Adi-Mundi APPEARS in the credits, it seems that Lucas Arts has taken him out of the game last minute, forgetting the credits.


note something very strange as well: in the back of the booklet, usually actors are paired up with their roles ie they name all the roles the actor voiced then just name the actor ONCE. but the person who does the voice of Ki-Adi-Mundi appears TWICE in the credits.


interesting, eh?

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Guest the13thJedi

Before I ditched my game, I spent most of my time hacking it. I looked all over the place for KAM. I found the addresses for all of the characters, enemy, playable & otherwise. He isn't in there, trust me.




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Guest Wolverine

I don't know, I still have a feeling hes in the game... No matter what kind of proof there is of him not being there... Unless someone from LucasArts says so....




Yer gonna be gettin' me a new bike! I lend ya mine fre one day and ya leave it parked in another dimension. So start raiding the cookie jar, bub, 'cause the lod Canucklehead's gotta have a set o' wheels!
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Guest jedihorn1

I'm sorry my friends; but we have had this "evidence" for months, and it has been proved to be false. (BTW, I'm pretty sure that LucasArts has said that there are no more hidden characters, but i could be wrong on that.)




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