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Double Bladed Saber

Guest Maul's Fury

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Guest Maul's Fury

Hello everyone. I'm the new one on the block and all that. Severe question for all of you (But first a winded explination to support my cry for help). I bought Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles for one reason and one reason only. To play Maul. Upon unlocking him (Bottomless thanks go out to Darth Wart and everyone who collaborated with him to make the walkthrough), I've realized that the icon of fear, the boogie man himself, the Mastah of Desastah, is missing something.. Now dont get me wrong, I love the fact that you can chase Jar Jar in level two whilst screaming, "Run, frog-man! You shall die by my hate-driven saber!" but it's just missing that one accessory of wicked power that makes Maul so dang cool.


What is this simple little thing, you ask?


The other blade on his saber. I need it. I yearn for it. The sound effects alone give me a cheesy Kool-Aid smile every time I hear them. Now my QUESTion is.. Does anyone know how to get it, or if it's even in the game? If it's not, one would think that someone at Lucas Arts just doesn't have their eye on the public veiw, or they're just cruel. I can see them laughing from their seats. *Ahem* Sorry for rambling.. Anyway, is there any way of finding out? Help me, JPB forum.. you're my only hope.


PS to Darth Wart.. To sweeten the pot, I'll type out the whole danged instruction booklet (For your web site, if you still need it) if you or anyone on this board can give me the correct procedure of unlocking this (If it exists).



Fear is my ally.

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Guest Maul's Fury


Uh.. One more thing.. I unlocked Maul, played him to level five, and just now noticed his skill isn't going up at all. Help with that too? Hate to be such a needy whelp when I'm just starting out on this board, but I'm really anxious to know what's going on within this game's infrastructure.



Fear is my ally.

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Guest Darth Wart

Welcome to the board, Maul's Fury.


I have some sad news for you, my friend:


Nobody who's talking, not even me, currently knows if there is a double-bladed Darth Maul in the game, or if he is, how to unlock that juicy instrument of death.


It's quite possible that that other Maul is a hidden character that we currently don't know about, but the general consensus here is that if he is, he's a character that you get by punching in a code from LucasArts, not by "earning" anything. (We've already done everything that can be done with this game, and nobody's found anything we didn't know about a month ago.)


Many of us, like you, were disappointed to find that the Maul we get to use has only that one stupid blade. What a sissy! (Personally I think it's because the programmers were either too rushed or too lazy to write the extra animation that another Maul would require.)


As for LucasArts not being attuned to the demands of Star Wars fans, you might have a point there.


On the other hand, you have to understand that SW fans, like children on Christmas, are always going to be wanting something more, hoping for just that one extra thing that remains mysterious and tantalizingly out of reach.


For example, currently everybody wants to play with Ki-Adi-Mundi. "Oh, if we could only play with Ki-Adi-Mundi, our lives would be complete!" Let's suppose for a minute that they HAD put Ki-Adi in the game, and left out Adi Gallia. Then everybody would be saying: "Oh, if we could just have Adi! She's the coolest Jedi! She must be hidden here somewhere! Our lives would be complete if only..." (etc.)


Your next point: Maul's skill at 0. Distressing, this. There's no way to increase his skill; he comes with all his "force upgrades" and combos the minute you get him.


But you DO have to take him through the levels; when you first get him he's only allowed to go to level one. So THAT you have to earn. You can increase his levels, but not his skill. Ever.


Sorry I couldn't help you with what you really wanted. But two things: A) you aren't alone in this; and B) it still might be a possibility...


And in case you're wondering, yes, Maul does fight Maul at the end.






There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest Maul's Fury


You sir, have just illustraited what it is to be an upstanding human being, and I do thank you for your reply. You deserve that status of Jedi Knight emblazened under your name. Thank you again for clearing up the no skill conundrum which plagued me.


As for no Double Bladed Maul as of yet, I believe Obi-Wan said it best -




One last time.. Thank you for your explinations, Sir Wart (Man, I bet that'd sound creepy saying it out loud.. Hold on.. Yep. Sounds creepy out loud).




Fear attracts the fearful.

The strong.

The weak.

Fear. Fear is my ally.

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Guest Darth Wart

Hey, Maul's Fury:


Forgot to mention: the one advantage of the fact that Maul (and Amidala and Panaka) is unable to increase his skill is that you needn't be concerned about points.


You don't have to smash computers and stuff with Maul or risk your neck getting those few extra points; you can just scamper through the levels killing only those whom you've a mind to.


Have fun.






There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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