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Big VDM Change!!!!


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VDM (Vannim Design Masters) has just completely changed.

It is no longer 100% SWGB orientated, but has divisions instead.

There is a SWGB division (SWGBD) a RCTD (RollerCoaster Tycoon Division) and a MPD (Max Payne Division)

Each division makes unique things for their game.

Each division is to have what we call an official. That is the person who moderates their forum and is 2nd in charge

to their division. (I have the final say in all of VDM's divisions)

Also the site is now at: http://www.geocities.com/vdmonline

the official site email is now: vdmonline@yahoo.co.uk


my personal email has also changed to



If you want to join, please go onto the forum and reply to the relevent post in the JOIN-US section


You may only join 1 division unless I give you special permission to join two.


Hope you like the new site!




PS) SithMaster 821, are you good at RCT or Max Payne?

It's just that you can no longer be a forum mod due to the

changes, so i'd like to make you the official of RCTD or MPD


tell me what you think,


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