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A weird shadow on level 4

Guest Nutegunray

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Guest Nutegunray

Right when I get to the spiral stairway leading to the plasma droids, I inevitably see some sort of black shadow quickly run across the bottom of the screen and then vanish without any rhyme or reason. Anyone else notice this or know what it is?

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Guest Darth Wart

I looked carefully for this shadow just now and saw nothing.


You mean, when you ENTER the room where the spiral staircase is, or just when you're about to start walking up the staircase?


I looked in both places and saw nothing; can you be more precise about WHEN this shadow flits across the floor?






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Guest Nutegunray

As you enter, wait maybe a second. Then it runs right to left across the farthest part of the floor, starting about the middle of the screen where the floor meets the wall to the left side of the screen. I've seen it a few times.

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Guest Darth_Talon




a guy can dream cant he :p




"Evil will always triumph over good because good is dumb."

-Dark Helmet to LoneStar (Spaceballs)

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Guest Nutegunray

Wishful thinking says it's Ki-Adi Mundi, but...

and other info on it...I think you have to beat Amidala into the room or run in right after her to see it...but I'm sure it's not her shadow since A) it's too big and B) it's running in the opposite direction that she'd be running in. That's all the info I have for now. If anyone else sees it...

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Guest SithLord.GanjaTron

<font color=blue>you're such an idiot...


[This message has been edited by Ikhnaton (edited May 05, 2000).]

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Guest Plo Koon

I saw it too. Right when you enter the room, there is that Destroyer Droid firing at you from the staircase. Look at the wall behind the Droideka, it is way too large to be Amidala's as Nute Gunray said.


You have to look carefully on the wall behind that Droideka, turn up your brightness if you cannot see it.







[This message has been edited by Plo Koon (edited May 05, 2000).]

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

I'm guessing that from the "this message was edited by Ikhnaton" at the bottom of ganjagit's post that there was more to it than what is there. I'm sure I don't want to know what used to be there, thanks, Ikhnaton.





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)


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Guest Jedi-Qui-Gon

No, ive seen it to, just today. I wonder if it was something but they forgot to take it's shadow out or something. If that's possible......

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