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May the 4th be with you!

Guest Plo Koon

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Guest Plo Koon

Hey everyone! This is the only day of the year you can say this. Jediknight.net usually posts this, but I guess they forgot.

Anyways, hello, and is anyone here?




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Guest Darth_Talon

im here plo




"Evil will always triumph over good because good is dumb."

-Dark Helmet to LoneStar (Spaceballs)

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Guest Darth skywalker

Im here.



*Darth skywalker*

Dark sith lord of humor*


Member of the Un-council.




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Guest JediMace

<font color="blue"> i'm here





Mace Windu the master of the lightsaber


Member of the Un-council

Bantha attendent

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Guest DarthMace

<font color="red"> i'm here





DarthMace the evil twin of JediMace master of both the ligthtdagger and lightsaber


Dark lord of the Sith Order

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