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MD3 files and some shaders doesn't load!!


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Hello i am a newbie using JK radiant and i have the following problems :


1-When i try to load a model/model ghoul of -lets says-a tree, Radiant says "can't open file " and when i load the map nothing is even there


2-When i extract the tree md3 file and its jpeg from assets0.pk3 in my base folder and then i specify the path in radiant to load the model it doesn't give me the "can't open" message but still nothing appears when i load my level


3-when i try to open tree.md3 in "mod viewer" program it says "can't file tree.tga, and the tree appears untextured (white)

but when i search into assets0.pk3 i can't see any tree.tga file!!!


4-all my skies textures doesn't emits any default/ambient light


5-some shadered textures doesn't load (like the yavin shadered grass )


6-when i place some "basic" items which doesn't need to specify a path like weapons, ammos, goodies, etc..they ALWAYS appears as colored boxes whether i specify the "show entities as" button with "show skinned", "show wireframes" etc...whatever the tries it always end as a dumb colored box


so my questions are :


A-Do i have to put specific parameters into JK radiant?(if yes where and how?)


B-Do i have to extract/or don't extract any files from assets? if yes which ones (all?) and where? (create a specific folder/path?)


C-how make skies which shed light by themselves


D-how make common misc items (weapons, goodies) to appear as something else as colored boxes?


Thanks to answer me :)

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