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Really weird glitch

Guest ShadeShifter

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Guest ShadeShifter

I was playin the palace, and when I got to the door in the first room, I had to deflect a laser. Well, the laser shot hit the light fixture to the left of the door. The shot literally blew a whole in the wall. You could see into the next room. Very odd....




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Guest BigBud

Thats cool.


But could you run through it. biggrin.gif





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Guest Darth Sidious

Honorable shadeshifter...it just add more questions to just how many areas on this game are interactive in such a manner...and what may be lurking around the corner as a reward for the less obvious objective of this game...exploration = unknown surprises.


Though I believe our lost jedi Ki-Adi...is most definitely a button punch code at a menu start up.


Let your hate for the game programmers guide your dark force tendencies.






Dark Lord of the Sith


"Wipe them out...All of them"

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Guest Maul Clone

I have done what you are talking about as well ShadeShifter, but it just blew up the light, it didn't put a hole in the wall.




Founder and Emperor of The Sith Order

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Guest Hannibal

I used a thermal detonator near that wall and it blew the wall out. You could see the next room. So I said "hey Ill go through the hole." to my suprise I fell to my death. how stupid of me. thank you, goodbye.




Man-eating vice-president of the Un-Council

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Guest Darth Wart

Something different happened to me.


Like you, I deflected a laser and it shot out that light fixture.


But the lights didn't go out; instead they just went dim.


Then some mood music came on.


Cocktails were brought out, and the droids started mingling.


But you say you just blew the light out, huh?



There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest Hannibal

I think wart may have been licking frogs while playing. You know what I mean.




Man-eating vice-president of the Un-Council

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Guest ShadeShifter

Last night I was exploring Tatooine (looking for Ki-Adi), and I found Several neat places that you can go.


1. Remember the ledges that Anakin runs across while chasing the Jawa. You can actually get up there. First, go to the area where there are 2 two towers with one surrounded by two special weapons. From there, head right, to the slope that last slope that goes down. It looks impossible but you can jump onto the dark brown cliff face. Walk around the cliff and you'll get to another flat area. This will lead to two Raider that usually shoot at you if your on the bottom level. When you near the end of the platform you'll find an invisible pit. It's difficult, but you can get around the pit and jump to the ledges that Anakin runs on.


2. This place isn't as interesting. In the place where you find the Gungan Artifact, you can hope on top of the top-right wall that separates that area from the rest of the board. Just find an area that you can jump onto the cliff face and then jump to the top. Does anyone know how to get to the top of the top-left wall....


3. When you get past the area with the boulders, you'll see two caves. By pass them, and when you first enter the Sarlaac area, head to the left. Once again, jump onto the dark brown cliff face. Eventually you can jump around the cliff face to anoter flat area. From here it is possible to walk into the cave nearest your position.


Here's one that I couldn't get to. After the Sarlaac pit, there's an area with two rock towers (the right one has a health powerup beside it to the right). I tried several times, but I could not reach the area behind the towers. Let me know if you can.




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Guest Maul Clone

ShadeShifter, those are great places. I got to all of them except the one you couldn't get too. I really like that ledge that Anakin was on, I always wanted to go there. Great work.


A couple of things you might be interested in: That hole in the wall glitch can be duplicated by throwing a thermal detonater by it, as someone mentioned.


Oh and I found a cool place on Corusant. Right at the begining after you pass the first probe droids, before you go inside jump on the ledge to your left. Now walk all the way to the end of it and jump onto a little platform by the building across from you. Now you can jump onto the building and even jump around to the other side of it.


I've combed Corusant pretty well, jumping weird places and trying to jump on taxis passing by. No sign of Ki-Adi here.


Even if I don't find him though I love trying to get to these weird places.

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Guest ShadeShifter

Thank you Maul Clone. I too have been to that building in Coruscant.




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