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Guest jedihorn1

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Guest jedihorn1

Path Of Redemption Draft 1

Main Setting 40 years after NJO

By Randy Broadwater a.k.a. JediMasterHorn



Ch. 1


A grim smile could be detected beneath the hooded face of Darth Baal as he watched the battle unfold before him. A group of six Dark Jedi, the strongest of the recruits, was fighting for the right to become his apprentice. The red glow of the lightsabers illuminated the otherwise dark cavern as they flashed back and forth and clashed together. They were all doing remarkably well, but one, in particular, stood out among the rest. He was rather tall, about 6’10 and strongly built. The young Jedi back-flipped and landed behind the would-be assailant charging at him from behind. With a flick of the wrist the man was plucked from the ground, and slung into another Dark Jedi near by. Each man’s lightsaber impaled the other and they both were engulfed in a blue-black flame of dark energy. Baal smiled. He was perfect…



Jedi Apprentice Brice Canor remained balanced on one hand, eyes slits, as eight boulders, each easily twice the weight of the young man himself, orbited around his body. He had been like this for over an hour now, and had so far shown no signs of tiring. Jedi Knight Keiran Horn smiled to himself. The young man still managed to amaze him. “All right Brice, that is enough.” Slowly, the boulders drifted to the ground and Brice sprang from his hand to his feet. “You have done very well Brice.”

“Thank you, Master,” Brice replied with a bow.

“You have trained well, yet one trial remains….” Keiran unhooked his lightsaber from his belt and held it, unlit, in en-garde position. “Begin!” The silver blade sprang from it’s rest and slashed at the young apprentice. Brice barley managed to block with his own sky-blue blade and did a back flip to put some distance between himself and his opponent. Brice switched to his underhand style, blade pointed downward like a dagger, left hand on the pummel. Keiran charged , pressing the attack. Brice matched his master blow for blow and began to get the upper hand. Brice blocked Keiran’s next lunge and managed to twist the saber from its owner’s grasp. Brice snatched the blade from the air with the Force and brought it to rest, unlit, in his left hand. Brice then extinguished his own blade and handed his master’s saber back to him. Keiran gave him a smile. “Indeed, you are powerful in the Force. You are ready.”



“You have done well,” the dark voice echoed through the now darkened cavern. “You have managed to defeat your enemies and emerge victorious. You are powerful in the Force, yet one opponent remains.” Darth Baal shrugged the black robe from his shoulders. The young Jedi stared into the glowing red eyes of the towering man stalking towards him. “You must face me.” Baal crossed his arms, forming an x. A click could be heard from the holsters attached to his forearm. Baal’s arms flung straight out and two lightsabers flew into his waiting hands, ignighted. The red blades illuminated Baal’s blue tinted face. They were shorter than normal sabers, about ¾ the size. The young Jedi charged. The Sith Lord blocked the onslaught effortlessly. The Jedi continued to press his attack and managed to sneak in a uppercut blow to the Sith Lord’s jaw. Baal’s eyes seemed to gleam as an invisible hand suddenly grabbed the young Jedi and threw him into a wall across the cavern. The young man managed to erect a Force shield to absorb most of the impact. The grin on Darth Baal’s face became a full-blown smile. “You are worthy.”

Ch. 2

5 years later….



Brice brought his lightsaber around to parry the red blade; and then reached out with the force to hurl the Dark Jedi into the wall. The body went limp and slumped to the floor. Brice looked to see if Kieran needed any help, but he too was finished with his duel. The black flame of dark Force energy consumed the body and part of the wall behind it. This was the second attempt on President Raab Harvic, a New Alderaanian, in the last three months since the new Dark Lord of the Sith, who called himself Darth Baal, announced his presence via holo-transmission, to the senate and the Jedi Council.

Baal claimed to have the key to the destruction of the New Republic, and that they should surrender now. What had the senate really worried was that this new Sith lord was a Chiss, the same race as Grand Admiral Thrawn, who some 65 years ago had caused havoc in the New Republic and nearly destroyed it. If this new Sith Lord had the genius of Thrawn, then the Republic was in serious trouble.

With a gesture, Brice lifted the body of the fallen Jedi with the Force and approached Kieran. “Are you ok?” Kieran game him a smile. “I’m fine Brice.” He gestured with his unlit saber. “Good work. We must get him to the Council. I have the feeling we haven’t got much time.”


The Jedi Temple on Coruscant, as far as could be told from the descriptions left over from the Imperial Reign, was an exact representation of the Temple of the Old Republic. The Dark Jedi sat, bound, to a chair with a yasalmirri strapped to his back. The Council surrounded him, well out of range of the bubble in the Force. Brice and Kieran stood off to the side.


The Dark Jedi regarded Jacen Solo, the head of the Council, with a contempt filled sneer. “Puny Jedi! Your end is at hand and you don’t even know it!”

Master Solo regarded him with a quizzical glance. “Really?” he asked calmly.

The young Jedi through his head back and let out a maniacal laugh of pure hatred. “My Master has the key to your destruction! He has resurrected the Lord Darth Vader, and with his coming dawns the end of the Jedi and the rising of the Sith to take their rightful place as rulers of this galaxy!”


It didn’t take a Jedi to sense the shock that emanated from the council at the mention of Vader’s name. With a gesture from Master Solo, two guards entered the chamber and left with the prisoner. After he was gone, the chamber erupted with talk.

“Surly he is lying!” Kamborh, the Noghri Master from Wayland spat. “ Vader has been dead for almost a century!” Others within the Council let out their responses of approval. Master Solo called for silence. “While the probability of his claims are almost non-existent, we must not dismiss his altogether. He obviously believes what he says. We must discover the truth.”


After the Council had left Masters Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo, along with Masters Benjamin Skywalker and Valin Horn remained to speak with Brice and Kieran. “What if it is true? What if Baal has managed to resurrect Vader?” Anakin asked. “Uncle Luke said it happened with the Emperor.”

“That is impossible,” Master Skywalker replied. “ Father said that Vader died Anakin Skywalker. He returned to the light. Vader could not have been resurrected.”

“Yes,” Valin began. “But that doesn’t mean that someone could not make it seem as though he has.”

“Correct,” Master Solo replied,” which is why we have asked you two to remain here with us. Master Skywalker believes he knows the location of Darth Baal’s base of operations.”

Master Skywalker nodded. “Before he died, my father told me of a hidden fortress Mother and he had come across. He called it the Hand of Thrawn.”

“I remember Uncle Luke mentioning that to Dad just after the signing of the treaty with the Empire,” Jaina added. ”He said that was where they had gotten the Camaas Document and for dad not to ask anymore questions about it.”

Ben nodded. “My mother insisted that the place be left alone. She said that it was set up to defend from unknown dangers in the Unknown Regions. They said they wanted me to know about it, just in case, and then left it at that. However, when they were telling me this, they mentioned that the fortress was run by the Chiss.”

Valin nodded. “It sounds like a good place to start.”

Ben looked to wards the two Jedi. “Kieran, Brice. I would like you two to accompany me. We must discover what Darth Baal has planned.”


Ch. 3

As the shuttle ramp slowly descended, the sound of mechanical breathing could be heard in the darkness beyond. Darth Vader strolled down the ramp, ignoring the line of Dark Jedi bowing before him. “What news do we have from the strike team?” He asked aloud. His mechanical voice booming in the small hanger.

A young human male stepped forward. He came to Vader’s shoulders and was strongly built. He walked with an heir of confidence.” My Lord, the strike team has failed to report. I fear…” He never finished the sentence. The young man was grasping at his throat as he was slowly lifted into the air.

“Failure…” CRACK! The sound of every bone in the young Jedi’s body breaking echoed through the now deadly silent hanger bay. “Will Not be tolerated!” Vader then walked out of the hanger bay door. Afterwards, the now lifeless body fell from its place in the air and collapsed to the deck below.


Vader approached the throne and bowed. “You summoned me my Master?”

“Yes, Lord Vader.” Baal’s red eyes seemed to glimmer at the mention of Vader’s name. “Our message has been delivered. It is now time to move to the next stage of my plan.”

“Yes, my Master.”

To Be Continued…….


Chapter 4

Brice always loved the look of hyperspace. He watched the flowing tunnel of blue from the observation deck of the small cruiser. Growing up on a human settlement of Mon Calamari, Brice had lived next to the shipyards, and his father had been a technician there. His father’s abilities in the Force hadn’t been detected by the Jedi scouts, so Brice and his older brother Kreat hadn’t known about their Force potential until a Jedi, Maneg-si, had happened to be at the shipyards and sensed it. Kreat had been eighteen at the time, and Brice had been fourteen. Both he and his brother were strong in the Force, and both had excelled at the academy, soon surpassing those that had been training there since early childhood. While Maneg-si had taken Kreat on as his apprentice, Brice had been paired with Kieran. He loved Kieran’s laid-back attitude, and his humor, so the two had gotten along great. Maneg-si, however, soon began to have problems with Kreat. Kreat tended to be overly aggressive, especially in mock duels with other students. This normally wouldn’t have been a huge problem, but because Kreat was so strong in the Force, he often ended up seriously hurting his opponents. When Kreat was faced by Maneg-si, Kreat left the academy.


Brice missed his brother, mostly when travelling through hyperspace. It reminded him of home, and his childhood. Keiran came from behind Brice and placed a hand on Brice’s shoulder. “You ok?” Brice gave his friend a confident smile and replied” Ya; just thinking about home. Hyperspace travel always reminds me of the shipyards and watching Dad test the Hyperdrive motivators.” Kieran grinned. “Come on. Master Skywalker wants us in the lounge.”


Within the dark caverns beneath the Hand of Thrawn, Darth Baal smiled as Vader strode into his lair. “You summoned me my Master?”

“Yes. The Jedi are approaching.”

Vader tried to suppress the shock of that statement.


“I did not expect them to come so soon my Master.”

“And why not? I knew that Skywalker would know to come here. I had planned on his parents telling him the location of this Fortress. It was they that had found their way here and retrieved a copy of the Camaas document from the main computer.”

“Why did you not tell me?”

Baal’s eyes became slits. “You forget your place Vader,” he said in an ominous tone.

“Forgive me, my Master.”

“Prepare my ship. It is time that I depart to our true base of operations.”

“And for me, my Master?”

“You shall remain here. Destroy Skywalker and the other Jedi with him.”

Vader bowed. “As you wish, my Master.”

Ch 5

The three Jedi sat around a small metal table in the lounge. R2 projected a holographic map on the surface. “From the map R2 recorded, there is a small entrance to the Fortress through these caverns. The caverns were flooded when Mom and Dad escaped, but the water should have long receded by now. We know that the walls to the fortress are covered in Cortis Ore, which will make it difficult to cut through with our lightsabers. We also have to assume that Baal would have upgraded security; so getting in will be that much more difficult.”

Both of the younger Jedi nodded. “So how are we getting in?” Kieran asked.

Ben winked. “We have some allies that may help us.”


The three Jedi stood at the entrance to the caverns, surrounded by large brown creatures that flew in intricate patterns around the visitors. The one that seemed to be the leader was perched in front of Ben, and to Brice’s amazement, was talking. “ I, Friend of Jedi, Bargainer of the Qom Qae-Jha remember your parents fondly Master Sky Walker. It was they that gave me my name. However, I am concerned in what you ask of us. I do not wish to put my nesting at risk.”

“I understand your concern.” Ben said, “What I ask you is that you show us a way into the fortress, no more. It is imperative that we get inside.”

“The ones you seek are Jedi such as you and your parents?”

Ben was surprised by the question. “No, not like us. They are evil, and have devoted themselves to the Dark Side. They are trying to hurt many innocent people, and we are here to stop them.”

“Ah, this I understand. Because you seek to protect the lives of other nestings, I will help you.”


Vader watched as the shuttle slowly ascended to the heavens. Soon I will show him who is the true master. Suddenly a ripple through the Force attracted his attention. They were here, and among them was the last person he ever expected.

To be Continued…..


Ch 6

The Qom Qae-Jha led the three Jedi to a small crevice that, once widened with a few well-placed slashes of a lightsaber, opened to the dark caverns.


“Here we will leave you.” Friend of Jedi said, his wings ruffling as he spoke from a small perch above the opening. “You ship will remain well-hidden until it is needed. Scouts will remain here to watch for your return.” Friend of Jedi lowered his glance and spoke in a soft voice. “I only wish I could do more to help you. The peace that the Qom Qae-Jha now know is due to Jedi Sky Walker and Mara Jade.”


“Thank you my friend,” Ben replied with a smile. “You have already been a great service to us. You truly live up to your name.”

A smile, if you can call it a smile, crept across Friend of Jedi’s beak. “Good luck my friends… and may the Force be with you.”


Vader could sense their presence clearly now. Three beacons of light causing ripples in the pool of darkness that shrouded him…and He was among them. Vader had known that this day would come eventually, he just hadn’t expected it to be this soon. He wondered if Lord Baal knew. No matter. One of the Jedi solders, a Twi’lek, entered and bowed. “ You summoned me, my Master?”

“Intruders have entered the caverns. Take a detachment and destroy them. The young one…bring him to me.”

“As you command, my Lord.”

A smile slowly grew behind Vader’s black mask.


Ch 7

The Jedi dropped through the entrance to the cavern. R2 was the last to come down, steadily guided by Brice’s Force Grip. Each of the Jedi ignighted their glow-lamps. There wasn’t much to look at. The walls to the caverns were smoothed out and formed a sort of tunnel. “The flood must have wiped away all the stalactites,” Keiran said. The other two nodded their agreement.

Ben moved his light to shine on the little droid. “Ok R2, show us the map.” The droid beeped a response and a holo-map of the caverns shot from the projector, further illuminating the cavern. A small blinking red dot showed where they were, and a green x marked the entrance to the fortress. “About two days.”

Brice looked up in surprise. “Two days? Using the Force to strengthen us, we could easily make it in a day.”

“Yes, but if we have company at the end of our journey, we need to be well rested,” Keiran chimed in.

Master Skywalker nodded in agreement and pointed to a spot on the map with his unlit lightsaber. “I want to reach here by sundown. Keep your lightsabers ready and your senses alert.”


Par’tok, the Twi’lek dark Jedi fingered his lightsaber with anticipation. A toothy grin covered his face; his first engagement with real Jedi. Now was his chance to prove himself to his masters, and to receive the reward Lord Vader had promised him. He looked over his squad. Another Twi’lek, because of their good night vision, a Rodian, and two humans. They should be more than adequate to handle three, puny, human Jedi.


Ch 8

Brice sensed the attack seconds before it came, and his blue blade was already ignighted and coming up to parry as the Rodian slashed down at him. Brice batted the red saber away effortlessly and snapped his right elbow up to clip his attacker on the snout. The Rodian stumbled backwards with the blow and Brice hit him with a Force blow that slammed him into the cavern wall. He looked over to see Ben matching two human Jedi blow for blow; his green blade a blur of motion. Keiran was battling it out with one of the Twi’leks. The red saber slashed at Keiran’s midsection. With a flick of the wrist, he knocked the saber away and leapt backwards, putting some distance between him and his opponent.


Then Brice saw the other Twi’lek, staring straight at him. “You want a fight,” Brice thought, “then I’ll ablidge.” Brice began to stalk towards Par’tok. The Twi’lek’s face went from a look of utter disgust to toothy grin as he slowly raised his unlit saber to point at Brice, and then ignighted it. Brice charged at the Twi’lek, unleashing a wild volley of swings. Par’tok slowly backed away from the onslaught, leading the duel to further back in the cavern. Twi’leks had excellent night vision. Brice would have to finish his opponent off fast. Brice pressed the attack, allowing the Force to fill his limbs and guide his movements more than relying on vision.


Soon Brice realized that he could no longer hear or see his companions. It was then that Par’tok shut down his lightsaber, plunging the cavern into darkness, with the exception of the blue hew of Brice’s lightsaber. Brice could still detect the Twi’lek with the Force…along with another, powerful presence. Then he heard it, the sound of mechanical breathing coming from the black void beyond. Vader.


Ch 9

A large glow-lamp behind the two Dark Jedi slowly illuminated the cavern. There stood Vader, exactly how Brice had remembered from the Holo-videos he had seen as a child. Beside him stood the Twi’lek, his grin now a full-fledged smile.

“Master, I did as you asked. I delivered the boy to you unharmed. Now where is the reward you promised?”

“Yes…. Your reward…” The last thing Par’tok heard was the ignition of Vader’s saber as it cleaved him in two.

Senses alert, lightsaber at guard, Brice awaited the imminent attack that would follow as the blue/black flame engulfed what was once the Twi’lek’s body. The attack never came. Instead, to Brice’s surprise, Vader closed down his saber and replaced it in its place on his belt. “I do not wish to fight you Brice.”


Brice was unsure what had just happened, and how did Vader know his name?

“You have become a powerful Jedi,” Vader continued. “Just as I knew you would.”

“Who are you?” Brice asked.

Vader reached up and began to remove his mask.


Keiran leapt over the slash that was meant for his legs, and brought the pummel of his lightsaber down on the Twi’lek’s head, dropping him to the ground. He looked over to see Master Skywalker, still holding off the two human Jedi. The green blade of his lightsaber was a blur Keiran couldn’t begin to follow. Then suddenly Ben back-flipped just as both Jedi struck. Both imploded in flame of Dark Side energy.

“Wow.” Was all Keiran could say. Ben grinned, then looked around. “Where is Brice?”

“I don’t know. He was just here.”

“We better find him. He may be in trouble.”

The Rodian that Brice had dropped earlier began to come to. Keiran smacked the Jedi’s head with the unlit saber hilt as he walked by. The Rodian’s head ricocheted off the wall and he once again slumped to the cavern floor.


Ch 10


Kreat; Brice couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

Kreat smiled. “Surprised?”

Brice couldn’t speak. Emotions flooded him, threatening to take control. Brice ran through a Jedi calming technique. Kreat just smiled even bigger. “Good. You have come a far way. You have learned to keep your emotions in check; now you need to learn how to control them and use them to give you power.”

Brice could only shake his head. “No. You’re wrong. The Dark Side doesn’t give you power. It only eats away at you; killing you slowly from the inside out.”

“That’s the ignorance that your weak minded Masters have filled you with!” Kreat spat. “ There is no Dark or Light; there is only power and weakness. Through Sith teachings I have learned to master and enhance the Force. That junk that the Jedi fill your head with is only to keep you in check and hold you back from reaching your true potential in the Force. They are afraid. They are afraid because you are so much more powerful than they are. They were afraid because I was too powerful.”

Brice didn’t know what to say or do. He wanted to deny what Kreat said, but parts of it rang true. Brice did feel that he was being held back; that at times the Jedi chose the lesser of the paths instead of using the power that they could to deal with problems directly.

“Join me, Brice,” Kreat continued. “Join me and learn what I have. Reach your true potential I the Force. Become what you were meant to be.”

“Brice!” Keiran’s shout was like throwing ice water on a sunburn. Brice turned to see Keiran and Master Skywalker running towards them.

“Join me Brice, and we can discover our true place in the Force and this universe, together.”

Brice slowly nodded and walked to Vader’s side.

“Brice!” Keiran shouted again. With a gesture from Vader, Par’tok’s lightsaber ignighted and shot towards the ceiling. “Just don’t kill them,” Brice mumbled. Vader closed his out stretched hand into a fist and the lightsaber exploded, bringing part of the ceiling down with it; blocking the Jedi from Brice’s view. Kreat looked down at his younger brother and smiled. “Now, you will learn the true power of the Force.”


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Guest jedihorn1

This is the story for a comic Kanigget and I are working on. I intend on going back and making Path of Redemption into a trilogy of novels at some point. Let me know what you think of it so far. Thanx.




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Guest the13thJedi

Pretty smooth so far. I haven't read the whole thing, but I'll get to it sometime, then I'll get back to ya wink.gif

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