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RagingLight are recruiting, details here!


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if you are looking for a clan to join then this could be the place for you, we are a new and skilled clan and are in need of more members we currently only have 7 members(plus 1 inactive member), we will provide training if its needed on a 2 week period, after the 2 weeks are up we will decide if you have what it takes, we concentrate on having fun more than anything but are serious wen it comes to clan matches now because we had a bad start on clanbase(we didnt take it seriously enough). for more information on contacting us visit our site at http://www.raging-light.cjb.net


the sites new and the web designer is french so if you dont understand anything please contact me via this thread, PM, mIRC(#raginglight, quakenet server), or email (thismoronisnotamoron@hotmail.com or wheezer2000@hotmail.com) and i will be glad to help you.


thankyou for reading and please visit us and vote about the design of our site.

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