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Guest George Lucas

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Guest George Lucas

Hello all,

I am writing this is regards to everyone wanting to know if Ki-Adi-Mundi was in the game, And my answer is, Certainly. He can be found on the level of Coruscant:

Jump onto the moving taxi underneath the taxi right after the first save point, and it shall play a movie. Ki-Adi-Mundi will be fighting Arua Sing and Ki-Adi-Mundi will jump onto your taxi to escape.

You will now have Ki-Adi-Mundi(press select on Mace Windu)

And you will get level 15, where you fight Arua Sing, You must beat level 15 to play as Aura Sing, and she can be accessed by pressing select on Adi-Gallia

Your Welcome, And have fun.


George Lucas


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Guest Darth Trunks

i dunno kno about this, it may be a trick, remember Genja Tron said the same thing about the taxis. lets test him





Darth Trunks, Dark Lord of The Sith Order


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Guest DarthMace

<font color="red"> <font size="3"> is this suposed to be some kind of sick joke? </font>






DarthMace the evil twin of JediMace master of both the ligthtdagger and lightsaber


Dark lord of the Sith Order


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[This message has been edited by DarthMace (edited May 04, 2000).]

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Guest Master Kenobi

<font color="aquamarine">

It is Ganjatron, he has the same kind of BS profile.


Plus, I know personally that you can not survive that jump.



May the Force be With You....




Wise, Honorable Jedi

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Guest Maul Clone

LOL! That was great. Oh would it rule if all that was true, happy thoughts. smile.gif




Founder and Emperor of The Sith Order

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Guest Darth Wart

I'm glad I'm wearing boots, 'cause the b.s. is getting piled up pretty high in here.


And by the way, Lucas, have you realized in how many ways you've become sort of an "evil emperor" yourself? Somebody needs to start a rebel alliance against YOU.


Just thought I'd point it out.






There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest jedihorn1

Ganjatron, you arn't too smart are you?(duh)

1. George Lucas probably vaguely even knows there is a JPB game.

2. Why would he care to personally come on this board.

3. Even if he did care, he wouldnt be the one to post, it would be one of his lackys that works for Lucas arts that actually know something about the game.

If you are gonna lie and post junk like this, at least do it half-intelligently.




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Guest Darth Sidious

George Lucas also has spell check...


"...Arua Sing..."



"...Your Welcome..."



A very impudent fool.




Dark Lord of the Sith


"Wipe them out...All of them"

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Guest CapitalJ

Hey "Lucas" or should i say ganjatron, you are sad, just face it most of us have tried it and it does not work, there is no possible way, and besides the taxi disappears, after it floats away

I have tried and there is no way it is possible.

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Guest Maul, Sith Lord

Maybe instead of saying he is talking bs people should actually try it first and get off this guy's back!




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Guest Acid_Rain327

Um...Sidious? Sorry, but...


Aura = Aurra


Heheheh. smile.gif



<a onMouseover="alert('Away put your mouse, or Medieval I will get! Hmm!')"> acid_yoda.jpg </a>


[This message has been edited by Acid_Rain327 (edited May 05, 2000).]

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Guest darthjustin69

maul sith lord he is go to my post and you will definetly see. He is the same guy as luke skywalker and sith goonga tron. Sith gonga tron was banned from this forum yesterday!!! Tha is why no one likes him so before you know the facts, dont speak!! Thank You




... "You are no match for me weak Jedi"



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Guest Adi_Gallia

<font face="Calligraph421 BT"><font color="lightblue">This is so fake. I am sick of hearing this idea for Ki-Adi-Mundi, although I have to give him credit. He did make it sound like it was real, but we all know you can't make those jumps.


DarthJusting, I know he's the same guy. But if you get banned, you can't make a new name right? I think Ikhantron or whatever his name is said that. They block your computer from making another one. This is quite odd. Perhaps he wasn't banned? He should be if not.





Jedi Master Adi Gallia


~A long time ago. In a galaxy far,far away...~

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Guest darthjustin69

no no adi, they banned his name and e-mail address. They can ban his ip block. But Kurgan Said thast would be to extreme. So intill they block out his ip block he willstill be able to get on under anonymous names and violate this forum. Plus there is no way George Lucas would come on this websita and post things. Remeber he has a script to write, plus would't George Lucas' websdite be like lucasfilm.com or starwars.com




"Wipe them out, all of them!"



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Guest Acid_Rain327

Well, the script is in fact finished.

But, you are right that Lucas is very busy right now - in casting, preproduction, etc.



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[This message has been edited by Acid_Rain327 (edited May 06, 2000).]

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Guest darthjustin69

yes thats what i meant acid, plus what about those website and e-mail adresses they ae a little fishy arent tehy?




"Wipe them out, all of them!"



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