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Resize your own image!

Guest NovaJM

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Guest NovaJM

Go to this site to resize your own image:


<center> www.myimager.com </center>


To resize your image you can grab an image from the web or upload it from your hardrive. Then you can shrink your images.


After you save the newly resized image you must save it to your hardrive! Or the image will be lost after 24 hours. After you save the image then you must upload your image to a website and then use that address in your signature.


If you don't have your own website. I use www.geocities.com It seems very easy to use.



[This message has been edited by NovaJM (edited May 08, 2000).]

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Guest Darth Killa

lol why go through all that trouble to resize your photo. You can edit it by your self just as easy.

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Guest NovaJM

True! smile.gif But some people don't have a great editor to do that. this is just an alternative.


Besides if you were to re-edit your picture and shrink it and forget to save it in jpg or gif format and you save it as a bmp. The picture will not show up on the web.

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