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Plz Help Plz Read>triggers Need Help!


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I am makin a really boss scenario with the editor for use on zone.com but when ppl play it they get next to nothin default resources and people's command center gets right next to their enemies! please tell me how to fix this. I keep getin told that this can be fixed using triggers but i have no idea how to use triggers.

PLZ HELP!:(:confused:;)




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Gotcha. You are creating a map via the editor, and then people are randomly placed. All right, here we go then:


Default resources: In scenerio maps, you have to dictate how much of each resource each player gets, using the player tabs (NOTE: Do NOT place any of the players units on the map or change any of the current stats other than resources)


CC's too close: Your map is too small for the amount of people playing. Either start over with a bigger map, or use less players

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