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Bored of the game? Enter the JEDI TRIALS, if you dare...

Guest Darth Wart

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Guest Darth Wart

Okay, so everybody that’s gotten their 8 characters to 10/100 has nothing further to look forward to. At least according to my Hintline conversation today.


Or do they? We’ll just have to make our own trials, to separate the wheat from the chaff. I’ll be the first to throw down the gauntlet: Here’s how to prove you’re a real Jedi.


You guys are all neophytes and greenhorns until you can do what the Wart can do:


1. Get through the Tatooine jumping sequence without hurting a fly. You can’t take a single swipe at a Tusken, or destroy any droids, even accidentally.


2. Rescue (at least) 52 maidens on level three.


3. Beat Maul with Plo (the obvious crucible).


4. Finish Coruscant in under 10:58.


5. Nail all six droidekas at the very end of level 8.


6. Beat the level one boss with Captain Panaka.


7. Win “Gungan Roundup” with your opponent not having scored a single goal.


8. Using the Maul Clone’s famous bug on Level Ten, get the first Maul to shadow you all the way to the windmills.


9. Jump down (and live) to a building so low on Coruscant that the stream of little cars is actually running over or through your character.


10. Beat level 3 with over 120,000K. (This is easy.)


I didn’t use a cheat code or a Gameshark on any of the above; but,


For those of you with a Gameshark:


11. Beat level 9 with 347 left on the timer.


Because I’m an honest kinda guy, I’ll tell you that there’s one of these things that’s theoretically possible, but I haven’t actually done it. But since I’m also a malicious pervert, I’ve also included another one which I currently believe to be completely impossible and which I’ve never even come close to doing. Can you guess which one?


I have a special prize for those who complete these trials: a special collector’s edition Sith bedpan autographed by Lucas himself. (Note: falsely claiming that you have done these feats when you really haven’t would disgrace the Jedi code.) There are only five such bedpans available, so hurry!





There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:



[This message has been edited by Darth Wart (edited May 12, 2000).]

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Guest LandoCalvresian

its gotta be beating level 9 with 347 left i still cant beat that level!

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Guest Jericho

The Coruscant jumping is impossible.


Theoretically possible..I'd say the Maul Clone thing at the final battle.


Yes, Regis...


That is my final answer.






Break the walls down.

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

Level ten glitch is real. You have to fight two maulks at once.





Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest Darth Wart

Here are the answers:


1. Quite possible, but the second-to-the-last jump is very difficult with the swarm of probe droids on your butt.


2. Just yesterday I rescued 101.


3. Possible but really hard. Anyone who says they did this "without getting hit" can kiss my ass.


4. Yes, but I've only done it once. Usually it takes about 12 minutes. You must ran past everyone and everything; do not engage anybody except the boss. If you, unless you've died right near a checkpoint, you'll probably have to start again, 'cause when I made that time I didn't die a single time. I have been unable to repeat this feat. But I promise you, that's no prank.


5. Yes, possible. You have to know where they are and shoot one of the rows of three practically before you see them, or you'll just be flying too fast.


6. Possible but extremely difficult (at least for me).


7. THIS IS THE ONE WHICH IS THEORETICALLY POSSIBLE BUT I'VE NEVER DONE IT. By "opponent," I mean the computer, not your 6-year-old brother.


8. Relatively easy with a GameShark, but almost impossible without one. Nevertheless, I have done this with no GS -- twice.


9. THIS IS MY MALICIOUS PRANK. There is no point on Coruscant where you can do this without a Gameshark. I was being the devil when I wrote this; I don't think it's possible. With a GS, however, it's easy.



10. Easy! Just use the strategy I used for getting 101 maidens, but this time concentrate on points.


11. Using the weirdest glitch I've ever seen (after, of course, Maul Clone's Maul Clone) this is possible. GameShark only, though; the only code you'll need is infinite jumping.






There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest Darth_Chaos

auctially wart your carruscant one is possible to do: jump on the purple car right in the middle you know when the bad guy rams you oyu just drop down and land on a building real low!



Dark Lord of the Sith Order Sith Apprentice. 1_bg.html


At last we shall reveal our selves to the Jedi at last we shall have our revenge.

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Guest Feilnyn

And to think that all of you are doing this for a George Lucas autographed bedpan!! HA HAHA!!! You saps! I am the only truly enlightened one here! (I OWN the ONLY existing George Lucas autograghed bedpan!!!

there are no others!! You fools!! Wha ha ha


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Guest Jericho

Actually Wart,


I have done the roundup without having the computer score a single goal...


It was damn hard too. But, it is possible. I've only been able to do it once.


I got so pissed off playing that level too, because it doesn't tell you you've won. It just keeps going and going...


I had to check it out on this board to figure out it was just to get the concept art and you couldn't actually "win" the level.






Break the walls down.

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Guest Darth Killa

LoL Wart don't you love jumping and being shot out of the air smile.gif.

Thnx to you I have now beat the 2nd challenge.


The first one my friend and I did. Of course he kept jumping off the ledges so in the end I had to do it my self.


I have not beat Darth with Plo..Grrrr this is truly a challenge bro.


I have not tried #4 yet though. I guess I will have to pull out my famous timer wink.gif.


I did beat #5..took me a bit and at one time I thought it was impossible untill I got lucky wink.gif. I suck at that level.


LoL the 6th challenge was the easiest. I had some luck and shot at the right angle.


7th I have not tired yet.


8th I have not tride yet.


9th I have not tried yet.


On the Tenth I know how to do that on level three but have not got to it yet wink.gif.(I love that tank trick)


So right now I have beaten,1,2,5,6



Darth Killa






[This message has been edited by Darth Killa (edited May 13, 2000).]

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Guest obi_wan_kenobi

you guys are way to good i have trouble beating the 2nd level but i only got the game a couple of days ago so i better go practice.



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