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If you are using a version of JediPlus try going to the console (shift + esc) then type: mod_jetpack


It should come up with a number


0 means it will never werk

1 means it will werk but not when you are in a duel

2 means it werks all the time


to change it to the number type: mod_jetpack 1


you may or may not have to restart the match.


then bind a key to it like the dewd in the other msg said.

Hope it works for ya

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Originally posted by Bonedaddy

If you are using a version of JediPlus try going to the console (shift + esc) then type: mod_jetpack


It should come up with a number


0 means it will never werk

1 means it will werk but not when you are in a duel

2 means it werks all the time


to change it to the number type: mod_jetpack 1


you may or may not have to restart the match.


then bind a key to it like the dewd in the other msg said.

Hope it works for ya


and that's only if your the admin ;)

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