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Guest Qui-Gon Jinn

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Guest Qui-Gon Jinn

From what I have seen so far, many people are missing the Jedi Council. I think it can be put up again, but only with some variations. We can all try to make it better. So how about this:


1. Anybody may join the Council as lng as they are Jedi Knights.


2. They must have knowledge about JPB.


3. They are not treated "higher" then anyone else who is not on the Council.


How about it? Please leave feedbacks about reestablishing the Jedi Council.







"Be Mindful of the Living Force." - Qui-Gon Jinn

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Guest Qui-Gon Jinn

Hmm.. So I guess no one wants to..





"Be Mindful of the Living Force." - Qui-Gon Jinn

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Guest Mace_Windu

It won't work. They'll complain about it again. We didn't get treated higher and they still complained. Don't bother. A new council will never work now that the forum has changed

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Guest Seether

some more rules.

1. act higher and u are out.

2. must have 12 votes from diffrent people to join



DarthMaul.jpg "Heros die but legands live forever."

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Guest Qui-Gon Jinn

Well if we can just fix the parts that made the previous Council so crazy, this Council idea might actually be good. So I came up with this suggestion because people seemed to be missing it.





"Be Mindful of the Living Force." - Qui-Gon Jinn

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Guest Plo Koon

Oh good Mace, you haven't left.


DO NOT make another one. Listen to Mace. Read my post in Maul, Sith Lord's thread about the council.




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Guest Qui-Gon Jinn

No, actually Mace_Windu, it will work. Most people thought that this idea of Council was good, but it made people left out. This is what can make all the people at the Forum get along.





"Be Mindful of the Living Force." - Qui-Gon Jinn

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Guest Mace_Windu

Im telling you it will not work. You will fail. I loved the idea of a council but have come ot my senses. People just won't be satisfied. I think you should stop posting on the counicl because it is simply a waste of space in the forum.

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Guest Qui-Gon Jinn

Tell me how I can fail. People at this Forum complained about the old Council because they were treated higher, (Yes, they were) and because they could not join. The old council made people feel left out. The new Idea will not have any of that. Now think about that....





"Be Mindful of the Living Force." - Qui-Gon Jinn

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Guest Mace_Windu

I completely agree that the ocuncil is agreat idea but people wil never agree on one thing. There will alwyas be arguements on this and that. It is detremental to the counicl. I am probbaly one of the strongest supporters of the ocuncil but it just doesn't work. I wish more then anyone that it would but is just can't. I give you credit for trying.


P.S. How were we treated higher????

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Guest Plo Koon

The first time around, people said it wasn't fair and accused the council of being chosen over popularity and it wasn't. It failed.

The second time around they proved it was chosen by the people by doing it in the same way. It failed. Now you want it again??


Don't let the council cloud your judgement. It will not work. Sure alot of people liked it, but those who didn't like it, trashed this place. I do not want that. No more nonsence. Look how nice it is now, and everyone is still getting adequate help. We are fine the way we are.




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Guest qui_gon_jinn

you wanna know what i think. well i think that, that idea would absolutely suck.

qui-gon jinn or what ever your name is you can suck on a monkey's nipple. As for everyone else stop your whining bitching and moning...





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Guest jedihorn1

I just would like to comment that that last post offended me and was uncalled for. These people are my friends and while you have the right to disagree with them, you do NOT have the right to insult them. Now, if you are just some little kid that thinks that using words like that is cool, let me say that it just goes to show how inmature and uneducated you are. If that is the extent of your vocabulary..... I feel for you. I warn you now... do not post another vulgar and uncalled for message like this again.



There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, only knowledge. There is no passion, there is serinity. There is no death, there is the Force. (GOD)-Jedi Code

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Guest liquidkid

damn, jedihorn... re-lax. wwf raw is on right now. ever heard of the wwf? or maybe of the rock? geez, dude, step off!! without really wanting to get into some stupid drama spat, your little message is sillier than the one that was simply a quote from teh rock... have you ever heard of a joke. you dodnt need to be "offended" by everything. didnt anyone ever tell you that the internet was naughty and vulgar? dont make me come over there! wink.gif relax guy!





p.l.u.r. - J9K-4-LIFE - MCL



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Guest jedihorn1

I could care less about someone quoting from the wwf( yes I have heard of it) It is just crap like the fist half of the message that caused all the trouble in the first place. I am simply saying that that kinda stuff doesnt need to be here.



There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, only knowledge. There is no passion, there is serinity. There is no death, there is the Force. (GOD)-Jedi Code

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Guest liquidkid

alright i can see if you were looking at it that way, but he was just joking around. so no biggie. we're all friends in here. wink.gif







p.l.u.r. - J9K-4-LIFE - MCL



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Guest Maul Clone

Originally posted by Qui-Gon Jinn:


1. Anybody may join the Council as lng as they are Jedi Knights.


2. They must have knowledge about JPB.


3. They are not treated "higher" then anyone else who is not on the Council.



I think the as long as they are Knights part is a bad idea. Then you will see people posting nonsense 100 times just to get Knighted, which already happens. It promotes the elistists atitude too.


I don't think any ruling body or person should decide who can be on the Council. All Council members should be chosen by pure democracy, an election. I know the elitists don't like this the election idea. Nobody wants to give up power I guess. A new election should be held every 2 weeks or so, to ensure fresh points of view and prevent coruption.


The Council above all else should just be for fun, not delusions of grandure.


If the Council becomes unpopular the next election will solve that problem. It works for America don't it?

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