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Everyone, Please read this.

Guest Plo Koon

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Guest Plo Koon

I posted this before, but I don't think anyone saw it.



I think the council should never be tried again. We did it twice and had nothing but complaints. It tore people apart, and made friends enemies. How many more people will it take to lose before everyone knows this wasn't the greatest ideas. Let me take that back. It was a good idea, in fact it was a great idea. All it was for was so that the newbies knew who to ask the questions to. The veteran members just took it too seriously. There is always going to be someone who doesn't approve or someone who takes it the wrong way.


I don't know if I want this to happen again. Without Yoda, the council won't be as great. I don't know what we could do different, but

whatever happens, please do not make another one. Barnabas made me crack a smile when he did the Supreme Chancellor thing, but let us leave it at that.


If you want to make a council, then go somewhere else. Look how much the forum has changed now that it is gone. No more hate posts, or swearing, or anything like that. I know you will all make the correct decision.


By the way, I think I have Yoda's correct e-mail, but I am not sure. I e-mailed him yesterday and have still not gotten a reply. Does anyone know his e-mail so I can check to see if I am right?


On a final note, it seems to me Mace_Windu has left as well. If he hasn't then that is good, but I haven't heard from him either. He was a friend to me also. Please keep this in mind when you think of having another council. As I have said before, I think of this forum as my second home where I can laugh and ask questions to people that I can relate to. Don't plague this place again with another council.


Leave it as it should be.




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Guest Maul, Sith Lord

Come to the chat Plo.




Former Council Member

The forum's only Sith Warrior

At last we will have our revenge...

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Guest Obi-wan Shinobi

I just read it the first time dude, sorry.



Strength over Fear...

Peace over Anger...

Honor over Hate...

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Guest Plo Koon

No need to say sorry. I just want everyone to see this, so they can see why the council is bad.




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Guest liquidkid

plo, my respected peer, i sense that you are stressing too much over this. dont get to emotional over all of this. two things that we dont need are 1) drama and 2) stress. now, i think we've pretty much cleared up all the drama. but there is still some stress left over... so, what should we do? ... just go w/the flow o' the force & look @ this...



biggrin.gif HEY HEY! biggrin.gif


doesnt that just make u wanna smile? sure it does! hooray! biggrin.gif i mean we're all just here cuz like like starwars and video games and whatnot, right? biggrin.gif ok good. now, it's time for everyone to give themselves a.. SELF HI-5!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!


and dont forget to give one up for those evil wizards @ xoom!




i wish xoom would stop working their voodo on my picture

i swear i'll change it soon


p.l.u.r. & MCL 2 all JEDI

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Guest Plo Koon

Yes I suppose you are right. I wasn't trying to be dramatic, but I guess it turned out that way.




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Guest liquidkid

no man, i didnt mean you were being dramatic then... when i mentioned drama i was talkin about previous nights and whatnot where everyone was choppin @ eachother's throats and throwin sidekicks and givin indian burns and whatnot. i was just sayin that it seems like u were lettin all that junk get to ya. i just didnt wanna see ya get all stressed out. wink.gif that's all!




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Guest Obi-wan Shinobi

call someone a dick, that will help smile.gif



Strength over Fear...

Peace over Anger...

Honor over Hate...

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Guest Plo Koon

Oh, ok. I wasn't really letting anything get to me yesterday and what not. I just want this council thing gone and never talked of again. I wasn't really stressed out I was just mad that all of this happened in so short of time. Oh well.




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Guest Obi-wan Shinobi

I hear you about watching South Park the movie and saying stuff from it all the time. My friends have forbidden me from saying "where is you sweet faggot now??". smile.gif



Strength over Fear...

Peace over Anger...

Honor over Hate...

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