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JK2Radiant won't run... shigh...


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I installed the tools correctly in the Game folder (Detail: JK2 is installed at C:\JK\gamedata etc.) but when I start radiant in gamedata\tools\ is gives me this error:



ParseEntity: { not found

GetLastError() = 0 - 0

An unrecoverable error has occured. Would you like to edit Preferences before exiting QERadiant?



If I'm clicking Yes, I come to the preferences. Here I changed the Gamepath to C:\JK\jedioutcast.exe (as installed). I go to OK, and... nothing. Pref-box closes, leaving me in pain... <g>


Any idea? Do I have to extract the assetx.pk3s? Can't remember, the last time I worked with JK2R was some months ago... Or should I have JK2 installed into the "default" paths?


Any help should be useful, thanks

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