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State of Mods and Servers


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I've been busy with work for several months and just recently got back into playing JKII online (thanks to my new cable modem) However, there aren't nearly as many active games on gamespy as there used to be. What are the other servers supporting JKII?


Also, I am noting more and more mods are appearing. What are the gameplay mods that are being adopted and what do you recomend?


I'm looking forward to getting back online. My skills are so rusty I'll be easy fodder for you all ;)



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I believe Jedimod is well spoken of.


Style Over Substance is well liked, but has been in development for months and is still beta testing -so good luck getting it.


Most of the rest seem to be variations on JediMod.


My personal favorite -of course- is ProMod, which I strongly feel is making JO everything it should have been from the start. Version 2 has been out for awhile and works great. A bunch of servers support it, but are not too active these days. You'll want to connect with some of the ProModer's here to schedule a time you can all play. Lot's people here are itchy to get an online game going! (myself included)

ProMod 3 is due out very soon, and will be a MAJOR update, but the basics of what ProMod is are pretty much established in ProMod 2. Also a (Best of...)Map/Skin pack is currently being put together so that ProModers can have a standardized set that expands upon the stock JO maps/skins that everyone has. This will be extra cool.


Regardless of what Mods you download, I feel that ProMod is a Must-have. There's a link to ArtifeX's website under my signature -check it out.

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Thanks for the great advise. I downloaded promod 2 and am looking forward to beta 3. I relied heavily on Artifax's "antisaberist guides" when I first got the game and although I suck .. I don't suck as bad as a result. I am so sick of playing MP and in the middle of a good sabre fight only to have some bozo lob a grenade and kill both jedi. Hopefully ProMod is a step in the right direction :)



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