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curves help needed


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You mean sort of like a funnel?


If so, I'd think all you'd have to do is attach a cylinder to the bottom of the cone, if you mean the tip of the cone sort of like this:





If you want the inside of the cone/pipe to be enterable...well I dunno.



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Well see, i already have that made.

I have a cylinder and a cone built to look like a big vat of some liquid. The cone gives the bottom a more rounded look and makes it more realistic looking.


I want a pipe sticking out of the bottom side of the cone , like an exiting fuel line. It jsut doesn't seem doable without edges of the pipe not touching all of the cone. Would it be able to touch all the cone?

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If you're talking about a pillar-like object with a rounded base, there is no need to make a cone, just make 2 cylinders, 1 for the bottom, and one for the main pillar, and then use the vertex editor (V key) and drag the vertices on the bottom of the base cylinder out a bit, should make it look like a cone cut in half...


about like this


| |

/ \


and if you wnat a pipe-like thing coming out of it you could do:


| |-

/ \


something like that?



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this is the last time i'm going on this, and thats it! :)


Take a 2 liter bottle of soda. Turn it upside down and imagine it has no nozzle ( the place the soda comes from and cap screws on to. Pretend it is rounded.


this is the shape of my vats.

Now, is it possible to attach a pipe onto the bottom of a rounded structure such as this and have everything line up properly?

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do the same thing i said in my last post on this subject except:


when you make the 2 cylinders on the bottom on just put the vertices of the bottom cone towards the center (move them towards the center of the cylinder) so you should have an effect like this:





Shoulnt be too hard, if you still cant figure it out get me on AIM or ICQ and i'll make you one if you like, lol.



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