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Ok, I want a advertising in my map, that blends from texture to texture- now in the shadered the following shader already does that, but ingame it's stuck at the first image...




qer_editorimage textures/ad/ad1

q3map_surfacelight 4000

surfaceparm noimpact

surfaceparm nomarks

surfaceparm nonsolid

surfaceparm trans



animMap 0.5 textures/ad/ad1 textures/ad/ad1_2 textures/ad/ad1_3 textures/ad/ad1_4

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE



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Ok, Q3ASE helped me- If anyone likes to use it:




qer_editorimage textures/ad/ad1_1.tga

surfaceparm noimpact

surfaceparm nomarks

surfaceparm nonsolid

surfaceparm trans

q3map_surfacelight 4000


map textures/ad/ad1.tga

blendfunc add



animmap 0.5 textures/ad/ad1_1.tga textures/ad/ad1_2.tga textures/ad/ad1_3.tga textures/ad/ad1_4.tga




Just make Textures called ad1_1.tga to ad1_4.tga and it circles through them.

You can also edit the "animap" line- the number tells the programm to make it a 0.5 FPS animation, so changing the pic every 2 Seconds.

The textures/ad/ad1_1.tga to ...ad1_4.tga describe which textures to use and in what order- if you want a particular texture to be shown longer that the normal duration just set it two times in a row in the shader.


If you use this shader I would like a note of thanks in the readme, was quite some work to figure it out ;)

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You could- make it a brush using func_train, then connect it with a trigger_once to make it move out of a wall behind the "screen"- that way it would look like it's being triggered by some event- Think I've heard of at least one other way to get the same effect, but right now I can't remember; perhaps RichDiesel has covered it in his tutorials...

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